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Road Sharing
Road safety: responsible behavior recommended to different road users
Publié le 05 août 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
This summer, marked by the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Interministerial Delegation for Road Safety is broadcasting an awareness campaign calling on you to adopt an “Olympic spirit”. This is an opportunity to remind yourself of the behaviors that are necessary for your safety and the safety of others, whether you are a motorist, cyclist or scooter driver.
A traffic accident is often multifactorial. The Interministerial Delegation for Road Safety recalls that in 2022 Accidents Stocktaking it is stated that in France human factors account for 92 % of fatal accidents, infrastructure factors for 30 %, vehicle factors for 20 % and road conditions for 18 %.
In this context, road users are encouraged to take ownership of road safety rules that protect them and in doing so protect others from injury.
Regardless of the type of vehicle you drive, for a long journey you are recommended to:
- take breaks every 2 hours;
- do not set a mandatory arrival time;
- take the rested road (leave in the morning rather than in the evening or at night, and especially avoid leaving after a day's work);
- inform yourself beforehand about the traffic and your route, in order to reduce stress situations;
- avoid large meals, which may cause drowsiness.
Please note
When you are a pedestrian you are considered a priority in different situations, but you must remain vigilant and not take unconscious risks. In particular, it is recommended:
- when crossing, to ensure that traffic lights, road visibility and vehicle distances allow for this;
- When getting off a bus, never cross behind it (wait until it starts up again and make sure you have good visibility of vehicles that might be arriving across the road).
- when using a roadway that does not have sidewalks, move to the left side to see the cars coming in front of you. If you feel a danger or the driver has not seen you, you will be able to react more quickly.
What are the specific recommendations for drivers of two or three-wheelers?
If you are a motorized two-wheel or three-wheel driver, you must in particular:
- Check your tire pressure and adjust the rear suspension of your vehicle when you drive with a passenger to compensate for the crushing effect.
- remind your passenger, whether he is used to it or not, of the main principles of caution (to follow your movements in the curves without exaggeration, to adjust his position in a straight line but never in a bend, to avoid any sudden gesture...) and to establish with him a communication code (emergency signals...);
- respect the principles of inter-queue traffic in departments where this practice is practiced (before traveling in interlaces you must warn other users of your intention, you must not attempt to pass if the space between vehicles is not clearly sufficient, you must not pass another motorized two-wheeler or three-wheeler traveling in front of you in interlaces...);
- if possible, wear light or neon clothing. If your equipment doesn’t have reflective strips, add more reflective strips and use reflective cuffs.
What are the specific recommendations for cycling or electric scooters?
When traveling by bike or electric scooter, it is recommended to:
- prepare your itinerary before leaving, giving preference to cycling paths;
- Check the condition of your means of transport before using it (brakes, lighting and doorbell).
- Do not use headphones or earphones (they are prohibited because they prevent you from hearing traffic sounds and increase the risk of an accident).
- run 1 meter from the sidewalk and parked cars, to avoid a possible door opening or the emergence of a child;
- wear a helmet and retro-reflective accessories, and use light-colored clothing.
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