
From 15 Jan. 2025

Browse: the vows start on January 15th!

Publié le 13 décembre 2024 - Mise à jour le 07 janvier 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You will be able to start making wishes in the Parcoursup platform from 15 January. Here is a reminder of the key dates and new features available in 2025.

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The complete offer of the training offered in 2025 is available since December 18, 2024.

Since then, students and their parents can access all the information on the courses offered, start refining the orientation project with a “Favorites” feature, find the dates of the open days or compare the courses via the comparator offered on the training map.

Wishes can be formulated from 15 January.

For 2025, the platform has acquired new functionalities, spearheaded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and following consultations with high school students, parents of students and higher education stakeholders: an “identity card” for each curriculum, information on training expectations and a new section on integration.

Go to course search page.

Dates to remember in 2025

The calendar of the 2025 session has been rethought. The main admission phase will start on Monday 2 June and the classification of the pending vows will take place between 6 and 10 June to allow a maximum number of students to receive at least one admission proposal before the written baccalaureate tests.

Reminder of dates:

  • December 18, 2024 : opening of the search engine for the 2025 Parcoursup courses.
  • January 15, 2025 : opening of the platform to register and express his wishes.
  • March 13, 2025 : last day to express his wishes.
  • April 2, 2025 : last day to complete his file and confirm his wishes.
  • June 2, 2025 : start of the main admission phase (training responses).
  • June 11, 2025 : start of the supplementary phase (possibility of making new wishes).
  • July 10, 2025 : end of the main admission phase.
  • September 11, 2025 : end of the complementary phase.


To remember important dates in your smartphone and see at a glance the key dates of the 2025 session, use the module Browse calendar proposed by Service-Public.fr.

What's new with the platform in 2025

An identity card for each course and a handy booklet

This identity card allows you to find all the characteristics of the training on a single card:

  • the status of the institution (public, private under or outside contract);
  • whether the training is selective or not;
  • the number of places available;
  • holding the Ministry of Higher Education and Research label;
  • eligibility for grants.

Please note

A handy booklet is also available this year. Entitled “The right reflexes to choose your education”, it was developed by parents and higher education stakeholders. You can find it in the “Resources” area, it offers simple tips to ask the right questions before choosing a course.

New information in the ‘Training’ sheet

This new information aims to increase the transparency of the admission process: to better understand the expectations of the training courses and to better understand the profile of the candidates admitted. They are included in 2 new headings:

  • “Understanding the criteria for analyzing applications”: you can consult the report on the examination of applications from the previous session; this report indicates: the analysis criteria used, their level of importance, precise information on the profile of the candidates admitted.
  • “Visualizing the figures for access to training”: this section allows you to consult the profile of high school students who have been able to receive proposals or who have taken part in training in the last 3 years (by type of baccalaureate, general, technological, vocational). This profile specifies the choice of course in high school (specialties) and the level of school in the final class.
More information on job opportunities

This is a major development in 2025: the platform provides new data on integration rates and further education. 75% of the courses on Parcoursup will provide data on vocational integration.

This information has until now been limited to BTS and professional licenses; it is extended to general licenses, agricultural BTS, engineering, business and management schools.


High school students receive close support throughout the year with their school’s education teams. Tools and resources for Onisep are offered to teachers and actors of the high school to inform the students and their parents.
