Difficulty in paying hospital fees: how to be helped?

Verified 01 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Having trouble paying for the hospitalization costs that you are responsible for? You can ask for support, financial assistance and avoid the hospital asking for payment from one of your relatives. We're laying out the regulations for you.

The Health Insurance (Social Security) reimburses you a part of hospitalization costs under certain conditions.

The other part of these costs (e.g. hospital plan) is normally your responsibility.

In case of difficulties to pay, financial aid can be assigned to you means-tested.


Such aid may also contribute to the financing of a supplementary health cover, to compensate for loss of wages, to contribute to the costs of household help (for example, during hospital discharge).

Help is thus possible to allow you, when the care is medically warranted, to cover non-reimbursed expenses (e.g. dentures, optics, hearing aids, hospital costs).

To obtain assistance, you prepare a request for assistance and send it to your health insurance fund.

It is possible to do this on the Internet or by telephone.

Please note

Health Insurance can help you with your efforts. To be accompaniedHowever, you must contact the Health Insurance.

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On the Internet

The aid shall be paid:

  • Either to yourself
  • Either directly to the third party (e.g. healthcare professional) to avoid an advance payment.

Apply for financial assistance to pay for hospitalization

By telephone

The aid shall be paid:

  • Either to yourself
  • Either directly to the third party (e.g. healthcare professional) to avoid an advance payment
Who shall I contact


Your loved ones may be called upon by the hospital. The hospital may ask the following persons to pay the hospitalization costs:

  • Your husband or wife. This action is possible even if you are de facto or de corps separated. Only the divorce that has become final ends the obligation to provide assistance between the spouses.

  • Your children (including your son-in-law or daughter-in-law), as maintenance obligations. Your son-in-law and/or daughter-in-law may be required to contribute to the cost of hospitalization unless their spouse and the couple's children have died.

The obligation of solidarity does not exist between the concubines.

The hospital can also ask the insurers responsible for the accident to pay the hospitalization costs if you are the victim of an accident.

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