landline telephone: telephone social reduction

Verified 16 August 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If your operator is Orange, you can get a discount on your monthly telephone subscription under certain conditions. In order to benefit from it, you must receive the Active Solidarity Income (ASI) or the Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA) or the Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA). You are also affected if you are disabled by war.

If your operator is Orange, you can get a discount on your monthly telephone subscription for your principal residence.

The discount does not apply to telephone/internet/television-type bundles.


by benefiting from the telephone social discount, you also benefit from the energy check for electricity and gas.

You are affected by this discount if you are in one of the following situations:

You must call Orange directly:

Who shall I contact

Orange then explains the steps to do.

In particular, you will have to provide Orange with proof of your situation.

You can ask for this proof from the social organization to which you belong (Caf: titleContent, MSA: titleContent or Pôle emploi).

Who shall I contact

It depends on your situation.

You collect the RSA or AAH or SSA

Phone Subscription changes from €17.96 all taxes included (including VAT) per month, at €6.49 TTC per month.

You're a war disabled

Phone Subscription changes from €17.96 all taxes included (including VAT) per month, at €1.93 TTC per month.

The reduction of the subscription amount is granted to you for a period of 1 year, renewable.

Every year, your social agency sends you a new certificate to complete and send to Orange provided that you are still one of the people affected by the reduction.