landline telephone: telephone social reduction

Verified 31 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your operator is Orange and you receive the active solidarity income (RSA) or the disabled adult allowance (AAH) or the specific solidarity allowance (SSA)? You can benefit from a so-called Telephone social reduction on your landline subscription of your principal residence. We'll tell you what you need to know.

Only the Orange operator offers a telephone social discount. Moreover, the reduction does not concern Internet-Television-Fixed telephone.

You are affected by the telephone social reduction if you receive one of the following financial assistance:

You need to call Orange. The company will also inform you of the amount of the telephone social discount.

Who shall I contact

Orange explains the process to follow.

You will need to provide Orange with a certificate of entitlement to the RSA or AAH or SSA.

If you have not received your certificate of entitlement, you can request it by contacting the organization to which you belong:

  • Caf: titleContent or MSA: titleContent for RSA or AAH
  • France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) for the SSA.
Who shall I contact


By benefiting from the telephone social discount, you also benefit from the energy check for electricity and gas.

The reduction of the subscription amount is granted for a period of 1 year.

This period shall be renewable. To do this, you must send your new Certificate of Entitlement to the RSA or AAH or SSA by mail to Orange.

In principle, you receive a new certificate of entitlement to the RSA or AAH or SSA every year from your organization (Caf, MSA or France Travail) as long as you continue to meet the conditions for granting such aid. If you do not receive your new certificate of entitlement, you must contact your organization to request it.

Who shall I contact

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