What is the Talents Scholarship?
Verified 20 June 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
The Talent Awards provide financial support to the most deserving candidates to prepare certain public service competitions. Since the start of the 2021-2022 academic year, the Talents Scholarship Program replaced the Public Service Diversity Allowance.
The conditions of award and the amount of these scholarships vary depending on whether or not you are preparing your competition in a Talent Prep class.
Talent Prep Class
If you are enrolled in a Talent Prep class, you are eligible for the scholarship.
The Talent Prepas classes are intended for students and jobseekers, selected under conditions of resources, merit and motivation. They prepare them for certain competitions in the public service. In particular, each pupil benefits from a reinforced tutoring.
These classes are integrated into public service schools, universities, institutes of political studies, or general administration preparation centers or institutes (CPAG or IPAG).
There is no specific approach to be taken. You simply have to ask the educational referee of your institution.
Your institution will send the list of applicants to the regional prefect no later than the month following the start of school.
The scholarship is automatically awarded to you by the prefect.
The amount of the grant is €4,000.
It is paid in 2 installments:
- €2,000 between the start of the school year and the end of november
- €2,000 between March and May
The grant is awarded for a maximum duration of 1 year.
Exceptionally, it may be renewed once, under conditions, in particular depending on the results obtained in the competition prepared.
Each payment depends on your attendance at tutoring preparations and exercises.
The stock exchange may be combined with the scholarships based on social criteria of higher education.
You must follow the preparation assiduously.
You must also take part in the eligibility tests for one of the competitions for which you have been granted State aid at the end of your preparation.
If you do not meet these obligations, you must repay the amount of the scholarship.
Situation of the beneficiary
You may be eligible for a Talent Award if you are preparing one or more Category A or B Public Service competitions and you are:
- Student, notably enrolled in a general administration preparation institute (Ipag), an administration preparation center (Cpag)
- Student enrolled in distance education in an organization offering courses in preparation for administrative competitions of category A or B. These may be public or private competition preparation bodies.
- Private employee or public official on full-time fixed-term contracts of up to 1 year, on fixed-term contracts or part-time fixed-term contracts, or in retraining and unemployed, whether or not registered in Pôle emploi. You must be registered with a public or private competition preparation organization.
Please note
if you are enrolled in a Pre-Talent class in 2022-23 and have failed your competitions, you can benefit from the Talents grant in 2023. To do this, you need to prepare again for a Category A or B competition through a preparatory body.
Conditions of nationality
You must be a national of a member country of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or of Swiss nationality to be entitled to the scholarship.
certain category A competitions are open without nationality conditions. In this case, foreigner candidates can prepare for these competitions and apply for a Talent Grant.
Diploma condition
You must be in one of the following situations:
- Have a diploma that allows you to enter a public service competition of category A (minimum Bac + 3) or B (minimum Bac)
- Waiting for the results of your exams when submitting the scholarship application
Conditions of merit and motivation
Grants are awarded on the basis of the results of previous studies.
Your motivation to join the public service is also taken into account. It is assessed in your CV and cover letter.
Resource Condition
Your resources must not exceed certain limits. These ceilings differ according to of load points, determined according to the family responsibilities and the distance between your home and the place of study.
The tax home of reference is your parents', except in the following cases:
- You are married, have passed away or live in a common-law relationship and you have a joint tax return with your spouse separate from your parents
- You have one or more dependent children and no longer appear on your parents' tax return
For 2023-24, the revenues taken into account are those received in 2021. Such income shall be included in the line "total gross income" or "total gross deficit" of the notice of taxation or non-taxation 2022.
Thus, for the year 2023-2024, the maximum resources for a candidate with 0 load point is €35,086.
Requests must be made via an online procedure. No paper files can be accepted.
Prepara Talents scholarship application
The scholarship application must be made between June 19 and the 15th september 2023.
The scholarships are awarded by the prefects. Each region awards a limited number of grants per year.
You will receive a response to your request before 30 november. This response is sent to you by registered letter with notice of receipt or via the messaging of the platform where you made your request.
The amount of the grant is €2,000.
It is paid in 2 installments:
- €1000 between the start of the school year and the end of november
- €1000 between March and May
The grant is awarded for a maximum duration of 1 year.
Exceptionally, it may be renewed once, under conditions, in particular depending on the results obtained in the competition prepared.
Each payment depends on your attendance at tutoring preparations and exercises.
The stock exchange may be combined with the scholarships based on social criteria of higher education.
The obligations differ depending on whether you are preparing competitions via remote preparation or not.
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Remote Preparation
If you are preparing for administrative competitions via remote preparation, you must sign a mentoring charter.
You must meet the following commitments:
- Participate actively and assiduously in tutoring exercises proposed by the tutor
- Follow the established schedule of meetings with the tutor or report his absence
- Take the eligibility tests of the competition prepared
- Report any change of address
- Communicate the results of its tests
If you do not meet these obligations, you must repay the money you collect.
You must follow the preparation assiduously.
You must also take part in the eligibility tests for one of the competitions for which you have been granted State aid at the end of your preparation.
If you do not meet these obligations, you must repay the amount of the scholarship.
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Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service