Does the RSA qualify for other aid?

Verified 01 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you receive the RSA, you can benefit from several other rights, subject to conditions: universal health protection (Puma) or complementary health solidarity (C2S). You can also take advantage of a reduced telephone subscription rate, local aids and a housing allowance.

If you are not covered against risks related to illness or maternity, you can benefit from the Puma.

Then you don't have to pay a contribution.

You need to get closer to your CPAM: titleContent.

Who shall I contact

If you receive the RSA, you can benefit from the C2S.

You can benefit from a reduction the price of your telephone subscription.

You can benefit from reduced rates or free services.

To do this, you need to contact the relevant department directly (city hall, department departments, etc.) depending on the type of service.

General case
Who shall I contact

The housing allowance is awarded based on your resources, regardless of your RSA amount.

If you do not receive any resources, outside of the RSA, you can receive housing allowances at full rate.

You need to get closer to your Caf: titleContentor your MSA: titleContent to determine the possible amount of your allowance.

Who shall I contact