Does the employee's travel time entitle him to overtime?

Verified 31 July 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Is the travel time between your home and your workplace considered to be actual work ? Does your employer have to pay you overtime on your journey home / workplace and workplace / home? We present you with the information you need to know.

Trip home / workplace and workplace / home

No compensation is imposed on your employer (except for the partial reimbursement of transport costs between home and work).

The journey time between home and work does not therefore give rise to payment of overtime.

Business travel

However, on a business trip, your commute time may exceed your usual commute time.

This may occur, for example, when:

  • Meeting at another company facility
  • Meeting with a client at a different location from your usual workplace

If this is the case, consideration paid by your employer must be provided either in the form of rest or in financial form.

The content of that consideration shall be determined by collective agreement or collective company agreement.

In the absence of an agreement or agreement, the consideration (in the form of rest or in financial form) is fixed directly by your employer (after consulting the Social and Economic Committee (ESC) if it exists in the company).

Please note

The part of this working travel time coinciding with the working hours does not lead to any loss of wages

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