Reintegration into French nationality by decree

Verified 22 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Can a foreigner who has been French in the past reinstate french nationality ? We'll show you the conditions to be fulfilled and steps to apply.

Caution : if you have lost French nationality as a result of marriage, the exercise of certain public mandates, or voluntarily by declaration, another procedure applies.

Step-by-step approach

You must meet all the following conditions to be reintegrated into French nationality.

Prior French nationality

You must establish that you have previously possessed the French nationality.


You can be reinstated in French nationality at any age.

If you have under 16 years, you must be represented by your legal representative to make the request of reintegration into French nationality.

From age 16, you can make the request yourself, without permission.

Residence in France

You must reside in France at the time of signing of the reintegration decree.

This means that you must equity in France the center of your material interests (including professionals) and your family ties.

If you reside in France but your spouse and/or children reside abroad, you may be denied French nationality.

However, you can be reinstated as a French citizen if you live abroad subject to compliance one of the following conditions:

  • You carry out a public or private professional activity on behalf of the French State or an organization whose activity is of particular interest to the French economy or culture
  • You live in Monaco
  • You are doing your national service or are engaged in regular training of the French army
  • You're a national service volunteer

If you meet any of these conditions, your spouse and your minor children who live with you must also meet them.

Regularity of stay

You must have a valid residence permit at the time of filing your application.

However, you don't need it if you are European (EEA) or Swiss.

You must not have been expulsion order or a prohibition of French territory still in force.

Assimilation to the French community

You must prove your assimilation to the French community, in particular as follows:

  • You have to agree with the principles and core values of the Republic
  • You must have knowledge about the story, the cultivation and the French business

The citizen's book indicates the knowledge required.

You can download this booklet or consult it at the reception of the prefectures.

Knowledge of French

You must show proof of a sufficient knowledge of the French language.

Professional Insertion

Employability is an essential condition for assimilation and integration in France.

Employability means that you must have stable and sufficient incomes to support yourself and your tax shelter.

Morality and lack of criminal convictions

You must be good people.

This means in particular that you must not have been the author of facts contrary to public order.

General case

The process costs €55.

This tax is paid with a tax stamp.

However, if you file abroad, the payment is made to the consulate.

In Guyana

The process costs €27.50.

This tax is paid with a tax stamp.


Private websites offer a paid service for the acquisition of French nationality. For example, to get an appointment in the prefecture. However, except for the tax stamp, know that the acquisition of the French nationality is a free process.

Documents to be provided

Prepare the following documents to build your case:

If you wish, you can complete your request online with information that you feel is of particular interest (if the request is sent by post, please provide this information on free paper). For example, your participation in associative life in France.

Please note

depending on your situation, other documents may be requested.

One receipt is issued to you when you have provided all the requested documents.

Francization of surname and/or first name

To facilitate your integration, you can request francization of your surname and/or first names when you apply for acquisition of French nationality.

Instructions on the documents to be provided

Civil status record

One civil status document must be supplied in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.

A French civil status certificate must have been issued less than 3 months ago.

Copy or original of a document

You can provide copies of the requested documents except for civil status records.

However, you should be able to present the originals of the documents if necessary.

A copy of a foreigner act shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in implementation of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.


You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.

You must provide the original translation.

The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.

However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.

In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached.

See the e-justice site for more information.

Legalization or Apostille

Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.

Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.

In France

General case

You can send your request online.

The online service is accessible with one of the following identifiers: your identifiers FranceConnect or your visa number for entering France, or your residence permit number, or your identifiers used to access the online service for applying for a residence permit.

At each stage of processing your request, you will receive an email to the email address you have provided.

Online application for French naturalization or reintegration into French nationality

In case of difficulties, you can benefit from support at the citizens' contact center of theANTS: titleContent.

Who shall I contact

You can also get help from a digital home settled in every prefecture and most sub-prefectures.

Check with your local prefecture to find out how to make an appointment.

Who shall I contact

You live in Guyana

You must file your file with the prefecture of Guyana if you are not currently legionnaires.

Click the interactive map to access the information of the Guyana naturalization platform (address of the public reception desk, postal address, opening hours, telephone numbers, email...).

Who shall I contact

To the foreigner

You must file your application for reinstatement in French nationality with a French consulate.

Where the application is sent by post, 2 photos identity format 35 x 45 mm, bare head. Enter your name, first name and date of birth on the back

Sending folder online

If your situation changes after the receipt is issued, you must inform the administration via your personal online space.

For example, birth, marriage, moving, new employment contract.

Attach the supporting documents in photographic or digitized format.

Online application for French naturalization or reintegration into French nationality

A receipt for sending the documents will be notified by email on your personal space.

Sending folder by mail

If your situation changes after the receipt is issued, you must notify the department that received your request.

For example, if your family or work situation has changed, or if you have changed your address.

You must complete the change of situation declaration attached to the form cerfa no. 12753.

Attach the supporting documents.

Application for acquisition of French nationality by naturalization or reintegration

The declaration of change of situation is to be sent to the naturalization platform that received your application.

Who shall I contact

You will be issued a receipt for the deposit of the documents.

You're summoned to a maintenance to check your assimilation to the French community.

To prepare for this interview, you can download the citizen's book.

You must bring the originals the documents necessary for the examination of your application.

At the end of the interview, you must sign the charter of rights and duties of french citizens.

Please note

if you do not attend the interview for no legitimate reason, your request may be filed without further action.

Sending folder online

You can track progress of your demand on your personal online space and respond to any additional requests.

For example, lack of a document, non-conformity of civil status.

At each stage of the processing of your request, you receive an email notification on your personal space.

Online application for French naturalization or reintegration into French nationality

Sending folder by mail

The administration has Maximum 18 months from the issuance of the receipt to respond to an application for naturalization or reintegration into French nationality.

This period shall be reduced to 12 months when you prove that you have been habitually resident in France for at least 10 years on the date of delivery of the receipt.

Response times may be extended once for a period of 3 months.

In this case, the administration must provide reasons for its decision, i.e. explain why it needs more time to respond.

You are informed by email of your registration in the decree on reintegration into french nationality after its publication in the Official Journal (or by mail if you did not send an email when you created your file).

You must download your decree on the website Légifrance.

The decree catch effect to the date of signature.

Your children unmarried minors who normally reside with you also become French if their name is mentioned in the reintegration decree.

The minority of the child shall be assessed at the date of signature of the decree.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Transcription error in the Official Journal

The approach varies depending on you have sent your file online or by mail.

Sending folder online

When your name appears in a naturalization decree, you receive a mail.

You are invited to consult the naturalization decree from the personal area created during your online application for access to French nationality.

If you notice an error, an oversight... in the French naturalization decree, you can to request a correction if the decree contains one or more errors, or an amendment if the decree does not take into account an event that occurred before it was signed.

One online service allows you to do the process online:

Request online an amendment or rectification of a French naturalization decree

Sending paper folder

If you notice an error in the transcription of your civil status in the decree of naturalization published in the Official Journal, report it by mail or by email to the Ministry of the Interior.

Who shall I contact

Error on a civil registration certificate

If you find an error in a civil registration (birth and/or marriage), you must send a letter to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Who shall I contact

The administration can make a decision unfavorable if your request is inadmissible or untimely.

The decision of the administration should be reasoned.

Your request is inadmissible if the conditions laid down by law are not fulfilled. If the grounds for inadmissibility disappear, you can make a new application.

Your request is untimely if acquisition of French nationality is not, or not yet, possible: your application may be refused or postponed (postponed). In the event of a postponement, a deadline is imposed, for example to allow you to improve your integration into the labor market. Once this time has passed, you can make a new application.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Sending folder online

The unfavorable decision is yours notified online on your personal space (section My Notifications).

You have a deadline of 2 months from notification of the unfavorable decision to file an administrative appeal (hierarchical appeal) to the minister responsible for naturalization.

You must use the form available on your personal space (section My Notifications).

If you receive a negative response, or in the absence of a reply within 4 months from the date of receipt of your appeal, you have a period of 2 months to make a litigation before the administrative court of Nantes.

The time limit runs from the notification of the negative decision (if no reply is received, see theAR: titleContent of your administrative appeal to know how and when to appeal).


The administrative appeal must be made before a litigation.

Sending paper folder

The unfavorable decision is yours notified by registered mail with AR: titleContent or during a summons to the prefecture (or to the consulate if you are abroad).

You have a deadline of 2 months from notification of the unfavorable decision to file an administrative appeal (hierarchical appeal) to the minister responsible for naturalization.

Who shall I contact

If you receive a negative response, or in the absence of a reply within 4 months from the date of receipt of your appeal, you have a period of 2 months to make a litigation before the administrative court of Nantes.

The time limit runs from the notification of the negative decision (if no reply is received, see theAR: titleContent of your administrative appeal to know how and when to appeal).



The administrative appeal must be made before a litigation.

Online application for French naturalization or reintegration into French nationality

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