Bank Account File (Ficoba)

Verified 06 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The national file of bank accounts and similar (Ficoba) lists all bank accounts opened in France: current accounts, savings accounts, securities accounts, etc. Ficoba also lists safes rented in France. Want to check the information listed in the file? We explain who can access it, how to apply and what steps you need to follow to correct the information in the file.

Ficoba lists all bank accounts opened in France: current accounts, savings accounts, securities accounts, etc.

Ficoba also lists safes rented in France.

It shall indicate the operations of opening, modifying and closing an account, specifying the following information:

  • Name and address of the bank managing the account
  • Identity of the holder(s)
  • Essential features of the account (number, type of account, etc.)
  • The date and nature of the transaction reported (open, close, change).

It does not indicate the transactions carried out and the balance of the accounts.

The information is retained throughout the life of the account and 10 years after its closure.

The file is completed and updated by the banks.

You cannot object to the registration of your accounts in the Ficoba file.

The following people can access the file:

  • The account holder
  • The curator or the guardian of the account holder
  • One of the heirs of the account holder.

Other people and organizations also have access to Ficoba. These include the tax administration, judicial police officers, certain judges, notaries in charge of a succession, commissioners of justice (formerly bailiff and judicial auctioneer) and certain agents of the Caf: titleContent.

The access request is free.

The access procedures vary depending on the person to whom the bank account concerned by the request belongs.

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Bank account in his name

You must address your online application at the service of the personal taxes of your home.

To do this, you need to connect to your Private Space on the site Go to the "Other Services" section. Then choose the “self-initiated request” module.

Apply for access to Ficoba

Bank account of a minor child

You must address your online application at the service of the personal taxes of your home.

To do this, you need to connect to your Private Space on the site Go to the "Other Services" section. Then choose the module “request made for a minor child”.

Apply for access to Ficoba

Bank account of a person who has specifically mandated another person to access his data

You must submit your request by post to national treatment center FBFV. You must attach proof of identity to your mail.

Who shall I contact

Inherited bank account of deceased person

You must submit your request by post at the national treatment center FBFV.

You must attach to your email:

  • A copy of the death certificate
  • A proof of your identity
  • And a document proving you're an heir.
Who shall I contact

Other requests

This applies in particular to the application for the bank account of a protected person whom you represent (guardianship, trusteeship, ward of the State). This also applies to the request for access to the list of accounts of a company or association.

You must submit your request by post to national treatment center FBFV. You must attach proof of identity to your mail.

Who shall I contact

If the data transmitted is false, you can exercise your right of rectification. To do this, you must send the bank concerned the documents necessary for the rectification (for example: death certificate of the account holder).

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