What precautions should be taken before purchasing land in a subdivision?
Verified 06 July 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
It is advisable to carry out a few checks before buying land in subdivision.
You must ensure that the land sold meets the following 3 characteristics:
- Building land, i.e. able to receive and support a construction, in particular as regards the capacity of the subsoil to support the weight and loads of the future construction
- Serviced land, i.e. connectable to roads and various networks (drinking water, electricity, gas, sanitation, telephone...)
- Land bounded by a bounding
If you have not performed these checks, you may find that the parcel is unbuildable or is not serviced or demarcated. You can exercise a appeal to the court of justice to request the nullity of the sale. The lawyer is obligatory.
Who shall I contact
It is recommended to take information about the city planning.
You must ensure that the subwoofer has obtained one of the following 2 city planning permissions to build the subdivision :
- Planning Permit where there is the creation or fitting-out of common roads, spaces or equipment
- Prior declaration of works where there is no creation or fitting-out of common roads, spaces or equipment
all subdivisions within the boundaries of a remarkable heritage site, in the vicinity of historic monuments, in a classified site or under classification are subject to a planning permit.
You can ask the town hall for a city planning certificate operational. It will inform you about the feasibility of your project. You will be informed of the applicable city planning taxes and contributions to the land and the condition of existing or planned public facilities.
The MORE: titleContent or the document in lieu of it is available from the city planning department of your municipality and, in principle, on the website of your municipality. The MORE: titleContentprovides the following details:
- Construction Rules
- Delimitation of areas at natural or technological risk
- Future local development projects
The subdivision by-law, if one has been established, will provide you with the city planning requirements for future construction within the subdivision (destination of buildings, layout of buildings, materials and colors...).
For to know the rights and obligations of the colotitis among themselves, you should consult the specification subdivision, if one has been established. You will find information on charges, private easements, obligations of external maintenance, plantations, drying of laundry...
All these documents are available from the city planning department of the municipality where the subdivision is located.
Who shall I contact
Definition of a plot of land in a subdivision
Mandatory limit for land sold in a subdivision