Marriage in France - You're already married
Verified 08 juin 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of Justice
If you're already married, you can't marry a 2e times.
This prohibition applies in the following 2 situations:
- Married according to French law
- Married according to a foreign law
If you are in the process of divorce or legal separation, you are considered married.
Marriage certificates
Qualifications and requirements for entering into marriage
Formalities relating to the solemnization of marriage
Dissolution of Civil partnerships by marriage (Article 515-7)
Wedding hall (article L2121-30-1)
Hearing of future spouses (Article 35)
Marriage of 2 persons of foreign nationality not residing in France
Municipality of the domicile or residence of one of the parents of the spouses
Notaries of Europe