Public Service Compensation Plan: Rifseep or other premiums
Verified 17 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Your remuneration includes bonuses and allowances that make up the compensation scheme. In the State civil service (EPF), on compensation scheme taking into account duties, subjects, expertise and professional commitment (Rifseep) is the reference compensation scheme. In the territorial civil service (FPT)However, the Rifseep also serves as a reference for the compensation schemes of most territorial employment managers. In the hospital civil service (FPH), the applicable premiums and allowances shall be fixed by decree. Here's the information you need to know.
For a large part of the body of the State, the premiums paid to staff members shall be fixed under the compensation scheme taking into account functions, subjectsexpertise and professional commitment (Rifseep).
The Rifseep includes:
- One allowance for duties, subjects and expertise (IFSE)
- And one annual compensation supplement (AIC) that takes into account your professional commitment and how you serve.
Ministerial Orders designate the corps and uses benefiting from the IFSE and possibly the CIA.
A ministerial order may also authorize the payment of IFSE and, possibly, the CIA to other officials who do not belong to those bodies or do not occupy those posts.
The Rifseep has replaced the majority of former ministerial or interdepartmental bonuses.
However, certain allowances, fixed by decree, remain may be combined with the Rifseep.
In addition, certain premiums must be combined with the Rifseep. For example:
- Collective profit-sharing premiums
- Gipa
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Accompanying allowances related to geographical mobility
- Topics time periods directly related to working time, such as overtime or periodic penalty payments.
Bodies not subject to the Rifseep benefit from premium schemes of their own.
The amount of the ESFI shall be fixed in accordance with level of responsibility and expertise necessary for the performance of his duties.
The functions of officials of the same corps shall be divided into different groups, taking into account the following professional criteria:
- Managerial, coordination, steering or design functions
- Technical, expertise, experience or qualification required for the performance of the duties
- Specific subjects or degree of exposure of the position to its work environment.
Of ministerial orders set the number of feature groups in each body.
They shall also fix the following amounts:
- Maximum Annual ESFI Amounts by Function Group
- Maximum annual amounts of IFSE applicable to staff with official accommodation
- Minimum amounts of IFSE per grade.
Example :
The inter-ministerial body of administrative secretaries of category B State administrations consists of three groups to which the following amounts correspond:
Function Groups | Staff members with official accommodation | Other agents | ||
Headquarters, Île-de-France decentralized services | Devolved services | Headquarters, Île-de-France decentralized services | Devolved services | |
Group 1 | €10,220 | €8,030 | €19,660 | €17,480 |
Group 2 | €9,400 | €7,220 | €17,930 | €16,015 |
Group 3 | €8,580 | €6,670 | €16,480 | €14,650 |
And the minimum annual amounts of IFSE per grade are as follows:
Grades | Headquarters, Île-de-France decentralized services | Devolved services |
Exceptional Administrative Secretary | €1,850 | €1,550 |
Senior Administrative Secretary | €1,750 | €1,450 |
Administrative secretary, normal class | €1,650 | €1,350 |
The amount of your ESFI is set within these maximum amounts. It is reviewed in the following situations:
- Change of functions
- At least every 4 years, in the absence of any change of duties and in the light of the experience acquired by the staff member
- Change of rank following promotion.
The ESFI is paid monthly.
The Annual Compensation Supplement (AIC) takes into account your professional commitment and how you serve, as assessed in an annual professional interview conducted by your direct supervisor.
It is between 0 and 100% a maximum amount per function group fixed by ministerial order.
Example :
For the body of administrative secretaries of State administrations, the maximum annual amounts of the CIA are as follows:
Function Groups | Headquarters, Île-de-France decentralized services | Devolved services |
Group 1 | €2,680 | €2,380 |
Group 2 | €2,445 | €2,185 |
Group 3 | €2,245 | €1,995 |
The CIA is paid in one or two times a year.
It's not automatically rolled over from year to year.
The compensation scheme shall be determined by deliberation after consulting the Social Committee.
The establishment of a compensation scheme is not mandatory.
The compensation plan can take into account the conditions of your duties, your professional commitment and, if your community so desires, the collective results of the service.
Equivalencies are established, by decree, between territorial employment managers and state civil service bodies.
It is the state's function, subject matter, expertise and professional commitment (Rifseep) compensation scheme that serves as a reference for the establishment of the compensation scheme in local and regional authorities for most job executives.
The collective freely sets the ceilings for each of the 2 parts of the compensation scheme (allowance for duties, subjects and expertise - IFSE - and annual compensation supplement - CIA) and sets the criteria for its award.
However, the sum of the two shares must not exceed the overall ceiling of the premiums that may be granted to public servants.
The decision may provide for the maintenance, on an individual basis, of the amount of the previous premiums, if that amount is more favorable than the amount fixed in accordance with the rules of the Rifseep.
Please note
There is no statutory or regulatory requirement for local authorities to pay a specific period for the payment of compensation to their agents. The monthly payment of IFSE in the State civil service does not necessarily apply to territorial employers, who may choose another payment rate.
The applicable premiums and allowances are laid down by ministerial decrees and/or orders which lay down the conditions for their award.
These decrees or orders define who may be the beneficiaries (official and/or contract).
They shall lay down the conditions to be met in order to benefit from it:
- Belong to a specific body
- Perform certain functions
- Be assigned to certain categories of establishments
- Be subject to certain subjects : night work, Sundays and public holidays.
They set the amounts.
Right to remuneration
Principal remuneration
Compensation schemes
Remuneration: publication of information
List of premiums and allowances that can be combined with the Rifseep
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of the Interior