Application for Progressive Retirement - General Plan Employee (Form)

National old-age insurance fundAutre numéro : S5131i

This form allows you, as an employee of the Pension Insurance of the General Social Security Scheme, to apply for the progressive retirement.

You must attach the following supporting documents to your application:

  • Photocopy of each part-time or reduced-time employment contract in progress on the date of gradual retirement
  • Photocopy of your identity card, passport or residence permit
  • Photocopy of your last 2 income tax notices
  • Bank Identity Statement (BIR)
  • Certification by each employer specifying your part-time working time and the full-time working time applicable in the company, expressed in hours, or your reduced-time working time and the maximum legal, statutory or conventional working time, expressed in days

In addition, if you were also engaged in one or more self-employed activities, you must also provide one of the following documents, depending on your situation:

  • Certificate of removal from the register of commerce and businesses, from the register of trades or from the register of companies of the departments of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin and Moselle, or certificate of cessation of activity of the head of company issued by the Chamber of Trades
  • Certificate of deletion from the register of the professional body to which you were subject
  • Certificate of removal from the roles of the territorial economic contribution
  • Certificate of Removal from the National Directory of Commercial Agents
  • Certificate of cessation of activity issued by the MSA: titleContent to which you were affiliated.

If you also contributed to the MSA: titleContent, at the SSI: titleContent and/or to the liberal professions scheme, the allocation of your progressive retirement by the Pension Insurance automatically entails the allocation of the same pension fraction corresponding to these activities.

This request also applies to your mandatory supplementary pension at the MSA and the SSI.

For your supplementary pensions as an employee (Agirc-Arco, Ircantec, etc.), you must apply for a specific pension in these schemes.

It is preferable to file the application for retirement preferably between 4 and 6 months before the chosen retirement date.

You should send it preferably to the pension fund of the plan of your last professional activity.

Go to the online administrative form

Verified 05 May 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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