Single application for basic early retirement for insured persons with disabilities (Form)

National old-age insurance fundAutre numéro : S 5138e

This form allows you to apply for your early basic retirement from the Social Security Pension Insurance if you have a disability or a disabling illness with a single organization for all of the following activities:

  • Employee or contract employee of the public service (Social Security Pension Insurance)
  • Agricultural worker, farm manager or farm company, worker and family helper (MSA: titleContent)
  • Head of company, collaborating spouse, craftsman, merchant and industrialist, etc. (SSI: titleContent)
  • Minister of Religious or Religious Affairs (Old Age Invalidity and Sickness Insurance Fund - Cavimac)

It is preferable to file the application for retirement preferably between 4 and 6 months before the chosen retirement date.


this form does not allow you to apply for your retirement from special schemes or supplementary pension organizations.

Go to the online administrative form

Verified 04 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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