
Declaration of an unapproved DICEM gear (quad, mini motorcycle, dirt bike, moto-cross...) (Form 13853*04)

Ministry of the Interior - Cerfa n° 13853*04

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser :

Declaration of an unapproved gear

The form allows the following to be declared within 48 hours:

  • Purchase via the internet or abroad of a new, unapproved vehicle with a speed exceeding 25 km/h and not intended for use on public roads
  • Purchase of an unapproved second-hand vehicle with a speed exceeding 25 km/h (quad, moto-cross, mini-motorcycle, pit-bike, dirt bike...)
  • Any changes after 1era statement:
    • Change in civil status,
    • Change of address,
    • Modification of the information of a legal person,
    • Change in the color of the equipment,
    • Declaration of flight of the craft,
    • Declaration of destruction of the device.

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    Émetteur du formulaire administratif : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information

    Verified 26 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)