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Challenging the Rent Increase at Lease Renewal (Document Template)
To be sent in registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt
[Name, first name and contact details of the tenant]
[Dear Sir/Madam,]
As part of the lease renewal, you proposed to me an increase in rent equal to the increase.
In accordance with Article 17(2) of the Law of 6 July 1989, I challenge this increase. Indeed, I feel that the new amount of my rent is
[amount of the new rent]
is too high and does not conform to the rents usually found in the neighborhood for comparable dwellings.
If you wish to maintain your proposal for an increase, I would reserve the right to refer the matter to the Departmental Conciliation Commission.
Verified 27 January 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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