Report an error on a driver's license received less than 6 months ago (Online Service)

National Securities Agency (NSA)

Accessible with your credentials ANTS: titleContent or via FranceConnect.

Prepare a two-sided photograph or scanned copy of your driving license.

From the menu, choose: "I want to report an error on my driver's license received less than 6 months ago".

You may attach any supporting document to have the error(s) noted corrected.


you can use this online service only if you have applied for your permit through the internet, on the ANTS website. If you have an incorrect old license, you must use the manufacturing request for deterioration teleprocedure.

This online service does not apply to:

  • You received a license that is not yours
  • You have moved to another department since your initial request
  • You made an initial request for an exchange of foreigner permits
  • You applied for an international driver's license
  • You received your license more than 6 months ago
  • You have a driving license in the old format (other than the "credit card" format).

Go to the online procedure

Verified 26 May 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

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