Démarche en ligne
History: to report signs of indecency of rented accommodation to state services (Online Service)
Ministry of the Environment
Allows to report to government services signs of indecency of a rental unit. The government services then accompany the applicant in his efforts to obtain a return to housing standards from the landlord (owner or real estate agency).
To lodge your report, you must mention the condition of the dwelling and its characteristics (size in m², number of people living in the dwelling, etc.). If possible, provide a digital version of the photos of the housing condition, lease, site condition and the housing EPD.
The tenant can also report signs of indecency of the dwelling to the landlord (owner or real estate agency). To do this, it is advisable to send a letter by registered mail with notice of receipt.
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
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Émetteur de la démarche en ligne : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information
Verified 26 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)