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Does an employee have the right to take time off to get vaccinated?
Publié le 12 août 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Are you working and want to get vaccinated? Occupational physicians and nurses can vaccinate employees 55 years of age and older with the AstraZeneca, Janssen or Moderna vaccine and employees 18 years of age and older with the Moderna vaccine. Would you rather go to a vaccination center? What are the planned leave authorizations? Should his employer be informed? take stock.
All employees and trainees are allowed to take time off to be vaccinated at the occupational health service, vaccination center or with a health professional during their working hours.
These hours of absence do not result in any reduction in pay. They are paid and considered to be actual working time for the purpose of determining the duration of paid leave and for legal or contractual rights acquired in respect of the employee's seniority. They don't have to be recovered. No maximum duration is set as it depends on the time it takes the employee to get to the vaccination site where he or she was able to get an appointment. The period of absence must, however, be reasonable in relation to the travel time required, either from the employee's home or from his place of work.
The employee is invited to contact his employer to determine the best way to organize this absence.
The employer may ask the employee to provide proof of his absence, confirmation of the vaccination appointment before or after vaccination, of the proof of completion of the injection.
Please note
The employer may also grant an absence permit to employees who are parents of children eligible for vaccination or to employees who are in charge of protected adults who wish to be vaccinated.
Find all useful information in the questions and answers from the Ministry of Labor (Chapter III - Conditions of application in the companies).
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