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Energy renovation
From 1 Jan. 2022
France Rénov': a new public service to renovate its housing from 1 January 2022
Publié le 08 novembre 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
As of 1er january 2022, the new single public service France Renov' set up by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, will accompany households wishing to carry out energy renovation works in their housing. The service will provide neutral, free and personalized advice as part of the climate and resilience law. Help Live better serenity become MaPrimeRénov' Serenity.
The new public service France Rénov' has the objectives of giving users equal access to information, guiding them throughout their renovation project and ensuring a social mission with the lowest income households.
The information and advice provided will facilitate the mobilization of financial assistance and will help to guide households towards competent professionals by relying on:
- a single website which will gather the information needed for the renovation project, a simulation tool on the financial assistance available, a directory of skilled craftsmen RGE (Recognized Environmental Guarantor);
- a single national telephone number (0 808 800 700) to contact advisors France Rénov' ;
- a network of more than 450 points of single contact Consulting spaces France Rénov' spread over the whole territory. This network will bring together the Council Spaces and the Renovation Information Points of the Anah (PRI), and will continue its development in partnership with the local authorities.
Households wishing to renovate their accommodation can be accompanied by a trusted interlocutor: My Companion Renovo'. The latter will have the task of simplifying the work path, thanks to multidisciplinary follow-up throughout the project: technical, administrative, financial, or even social where appropriate.
Starting on 1er january 2022, aid Live better serenity to support the energy renovation of the most modest households, and above all those living in thermal sieves, through a comprehensive renovation will become MaPrimeRénov' Serenity, thanks to:
- attractive funding rates to encourage ambitious work, up to 50% of the work carried out, capped at €30,000, which may be combined with specific premiums and aid from local authorities;
- a minimum energy gain of 35%, as verified by an energy assessment;
- systematic individual support;
- the possibility to benefit from 1er July 2022, EEC premiums per gesture or the EEC premium A boost to efficient renovation.
The aid scale MaPrimeRenovation is held at 1er January 2022, eligible dwellings are those over 15 years of age. A budget of €2 billion will be allocated to this premium in 2022.
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