Older people

Blue Week 2022: October 3 to 9, let's change our perspective on seniors!

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The 71e Blue Week takes place from October 3 to 9, 2022. Its slogan, "Let's change our outlook on seniors, break the stereotypes", emphasizes the value of seniors in social life. Creative workshops, discussion forums, blue marches... all over France, local events and activities are organized to promote links between generations. Social isolation now affects almost a quarter of people over the age of 75, or about 5 million people in France.

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Image 1Crédits: Viacheslav Lakobchuk - stock.adobe.com

Blue Week Events

These seven days are a good opportunity to raise public awareness of the contribution of pensioners to economic, social and cultural life, the concerns and difficulties faced by older people, and the achievements and projects of associations. It is also an opportunity for actors working with seniors to organize public events that promote intergenerational ties.

Every year, a competition is held to award the most outstanding actions organized at the level of a department, canton, commune or establishment.

The Chronos Prize for Literature, also a partner of Blue Week, is helping to change the way young people look at old age. The members of the jury may be pupils from primary school to high school, young people attending libraries and leisure centers. All the albums and novels selected for this award concern the life course, memories, relationships between generations, old age and death, family secrets or even the transmission of knowledge.

Please note

find the markets and actions near you on the Blue Week.

Tools and actions available to take action on a daily basis 

Breaking the isolation of the elderly: this initiatives portal lists all the actions and tools available throughout the territory to help combat the isolation of the elderly (maintaining the link, helping as a neighbor, volunteering, tools for associations).

Resources for basic needs of older people and their carers are available.

Creators of initiatives against isolation of older people can share their actions on this issue. form.

Monalisa: this portal allows you to join a team of volunteers near you that addresses the social isolation of seniors. The Monalisa network brings together more than 300 committed citizen teams.

Isolation: What resources can be mobilized? : the Ministry of Solidarity and Health lists the different structures to which persons identified as being isolated may be referred.

Please note

building on the role that younger generations can play in improving the lives of older people, the following schemes have been deployed since 2021:

  • the launch of intergenerational cohabitation packages with the introduction of a counterpart for young people;
  • the creation of 10 000 civic support services for older people in situations of fragility;
  • twinning agreements between Éhpad and schools;
  • Support for shared living (SLA) for residents of inclusive habitat.
