Financial support

From 1 Dec. 2023

Emergency universal support is being established for victims of domestic violence

Publié le 29 novembre 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Any victim of spousal violence can, as of 1er December 2023, to receive financial assistance to enable her to quickly leave her home, take shelter and meet her immediate expenses. The amount of this financial support depends on the victim’s level of resources and the number of children they have to support.

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A decree issued in Official Journal november 25, 2023, outlines how universal emergency assistance for victims of domestic violence will be delivered. This financial support, available as of 1er December 2023, is intended for victims of violence (physical, psychological...) committed by the spouse, partner or partner of CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS. It may take the form of an interest-free loan or a donation, depending in particular on the financial and social situation of the victim. Thus, in order to be eligible for assistance in the form of a donation, a victim must have resources below:

  • 1.5 times the SMIC (currently €2,029.59 net per month) if she has no children;
  • 2.25 times the SMIC (currently €3,044.39 net per month) if she has a dependent child;
  • 2.7 times the SMIC (currently €3,653.26 net per month) if she has two children;
  • 3.3 times the SMIC (currently €4,465.10 net per month) if she has three or more children.

These amounts relating to the level of resources to receive aid in the form of a grant will be revalued on 1er April of each year; the SMIC level taken into account shall be that set at 1er January.

Please note

when the aid is paid in the form of a loan, the perpetrator may be ordered to repay the loan instead of the victim.


this financial support mechanism was provided for by the law of 28 february 2023 creating a universal emergency aid for victims of domestic violence.

In France in 2022, security services recorded 244,000 victims of violence by their partner or ex-partner, a 15% increase from 2021.

What is the amount of the aid?

The universal emergency assistance shall be paid in one installment, within 3 to 5 working days of the request. Its level, calculated on the basis of the flat-rate amount of active solidarity income (currently €607.75), depends on:

  • financial resources of the victim of domestic violence;
  • and the composition of the assisted home.
Tableau - The amount of emergency universal assistance depends on the level of resources

Monthly Resources

Amount of emergency universal assistance

A single person

One person with 1 child

One person with 2 children

One person with 3 children

The sum then added for each additional child

less than or equal to 0,5 net minimum (i.e. resources less than or equal to € 676,54, currently)






above 0,5 net Smic and up to 1 net Smic (i.e. above 676,54 € and below or equal to 1 353,07 €, currently)






over 1 net Smic and up to 1,5 net Smic (i.e. resources over 1 353,07 € and up to 2 029,60 €, currently)






over 1.5 net minimum (resources over €2,029.60, currently)







for 6 months, from the payment of this financial support, the victim can benefit from the rights and aid related to the active solidarity income (SSA), including the automatic granting of the complementary health solidarity and social and professional support.

How do I apply for emergency universal assistance?

Emergency universal assistance is granted when violence is documented:

  • by a protection order issued by the family court;
  • by lodging a complaint;
  • or by an alert addressed to the public prosecutor.

When requesting emergency universal assistance, the person who has been the victim of violence must provide one of these documents (less than 12 months old). She can apply directly to her Family Allowance Fund (CAF) or to her Agricultural Social Mutual Fund (MSA):

  • by visiting the site;
  • or online ( and, thanks to a dedicated form.

The application for assistance may also be made, if the victim so wishes, at the time of lodging his complaint or the alert sent to the public prosecutor; a simplified application form is then sent to the family allowance fund (CAF) or to the agricultural mutual benefit fund (MSA).

Please note

the lodging of a handrail alone does not qualify for the aid.


a victim can only receive emergency universal assistance for domestic violence once every 12 months, starting from the date of the award decision by the CAF or the MSA.
