Residence card as a family member of a European

Verified 02 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you are a family member of a European come to settle in France, you can accompany him or join him. If you are a European yourself, the residence permit is not mandatory. However, if you are non-European, you must request a residence card. We present you with the information you need to know.


You can ask for a residence card if you are a family member of a European settled in France.

One residence card as a family member of a European is given if you are:

  • Spouse of the European
  • Partner of the European
  • Child under 21 years of age or dependent on the European or his spouse or partner
  • Dependent father or mother of the European or his spouse or partner

One residence card as a family member of a European can be given if you are:

  • Family member (brother, sister, grandparent, etc.) and that you were a member of the household or were at the expense of the European in the country where you resided before coming to France
  • Family member (brother, sister, grandparent, etc.) and have serious health problems requiring the assistance of the European
  • European cohabitation

You do not have to hold a residence card.

However, if you wish, you can ask for a residence card. During the first 5 years of your stay, it will be marked family member of a Union/EEA/Swiss citizen-All professional activities.

You must make your request on the ANEF website (Digital Administration of Foreigners in France).

Apply online for a residence permit, a change of situation, a travel document, an application for ANEF naturalization

You must provide the following documents:

  • Valid identity card or passport
  • Indication of residence less than 6 months old: electricity bill, gas, water, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Proof of family relationship
    • For the spouse: passport or identity card of the European spouse + extract or full copy of marriage certificate
    • For the child: passport or identity card of the European father or mother + extract of the child's birth certificate (full copy or extract with filiation)
    • For the father or mother: passport or identity card + birth certificate (full copy or extract with filiation) of the European child taking care of you
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, health insurance, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

The residence card family member of a Union citizen is free.

The card is given to you by the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home.

The card has a validity period equivalent to that of the right of residence of the European you join in France (Up to 5 years).

Card renewal must be requested ebetween 4 and 2 months before its end date.

The procedure is different depending on whether you have had one or more residence cards as a family member of a European for less than 5 years or more than 5 years.

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You have one or more residence cards for less than 5 years

The card is renewable under the same conditions as for the 1re delivery.

You have had a residence card(s) for at least 5 consecutive years

After 5 years of regular and continuous stay in France, you can obtain a renewal of a residence card Citizen EU/EEA/Switzerland - Permanent residence - All professional activities valid 10 years.

This map is free and renewable.

You must submit your application on the ANEF website (Digital Administration of Foreigners in France).

Apply online for a residence permit, a change of situation, a travel document, an application for ANEF naturalization

Documents to be provided

You must provide the following:

  • Valid identity document or passport
  • Indication of domicile: provided by any means
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Proof of the continuity of the stay during the previous 5 years: receipts of rent or expenses, invoices, bank documents, tax documents, etc.
  • Proof of family relationship:
    • For the spouse: extract of marriage certificate
    • For the child: birth certificate with filiation
    • For the ascendant: birth certificate of the child in your care (full copy or extract with filiation)
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

Special cases

If the European person you are joining is a worker and has acquired a right of permanent residence before 5 years of residence in France, you must present one of the following documents:

  • Any document on the acquisition of this right (retirement pension, proof of permanent incapacity for work, etc.)
  • In the event of the worker's death after more than 2 years' residence in France, death certificate + proof of the employment exercised + proof of the right of residence as a worker
  • Accident at work accident at work In the event of the worker's death as a result of an occupational disease: death certificate + attestation of the employment exercised + certificate of death or occupational disease

Other nationality

You can ask for a residence card if you are a family member of a European settled in France.

A residence card family member of a European is given if you are:

  • Spouse of the European
  • Partner of the European
  • Child under 21 years of age or dependent on the European or his spouse or partner
  • Dependent father or mother of the European or his spouse or partner

A residence card family member of a European can be given if you are:

  • Family member (brother, sister, grandparent, etc.) and were part of the household or were at the expense of the European in the country where you resided before coming to France
  • Family member (brother, sister, grandparent, etc.) and have serious health problems requiring the assistance of the European
  • European cohabitation

If you are non-European, you must request a residence card. She's obligatory, even if you don't want to work.

If you are between the ages of 16 and 18 and wish to work, you must also apply for a residence card.

During the first 5 years of your stay, the card bears the mention family member of a Union/EEA/Swiss citizen.

You must make your request on the ANEF website (Digital Administration of Foreigners in France)  within 3 months of your entry into France.


in case of illegal stay (application filed more than 3 months after entry), a visa fee for regularization of €200 to be settled by tax stamps will be required when handing over the card.

Apply online for a residence permit, a change of situation, a travel document, an application for ANEF naturalization

The documents to be provided depend on your situation.

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Spouse, child or father or mother

If you are a spouse, a child under the age of 21 (or dependent), or a dependent parent, you must provide the following documents:

  • Valid passport
  • Indication of residence less than 6 months old: electricity bill, gas, water, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Proof of family relationship
    • For the spouse: passport or identity card of the European spouse + extract or full copy of marriage certificate
    • For the child: passport or identity card of the European father or mother + extract of the child's birth certificate (full copy or extract with filiation)
    • For the father or mother: passport or identity card + birth certificate (full copy or extract with filiation) of the European child taking care of you
  • If you are dependent on the European host, any document proving the material and financial support provided by the host in the country of origin or provenance: documents from public administrations or private bodies (social services, tax administration, banking institutions, insurance, social protection or other bodies) or private persons (certificates, letters or other) showing the effectiveness of care or living within the household
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, health insurance, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

Civil Solidarity Pact Partner (Civil partnerships)

If you have a Civil partnerships: titleContent (or the foreigners equivalent), you can request a residence card family member of a Union/EEA/Swiss citizen-All professional activities.

The minimum joint life required (in France and/or another country) is1 year.

You must provide the following:

  • Valid passport
  • Indication of residence less than 6 months old: electricity bill, gas, water, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Proof of family link: passport or identity card of the European partner + Civil partnership agreement or registered partnership foreigner + certificate of non-dissolution of the Civil partnership or registered partnership foreigner
  • Supporting documents establishing the 1-year common life: bank statements, tax documents, insurance certificate, joint loan certificate, etc.
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, health insurance, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

Cohabiting Partner

The minimum joint life required (in France and/or another country) is 5 years (with exceptions).

You must provide the following:

  • Valid passport
  • Indication of residence less than 6 months old: electricity bill, gas, water, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Proof of family link: passport or identity card of the European spouse + certificate of marriage
  • Supporting documents establishing the 5-year common life (1 document per year): bank statements, tax documents, insurance certificate, joint loan certificate, etc.
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, health insurance, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

Family member in the household or dependent

If you are another family member (brother, sister, etc.), you can obtain a residence card if you are dependent or part of the household of the European citizen you are joining in France.

You must provide the following:

  • Valid passport
  • Indication of residence less than 6 months old: electricity bill, gas, water, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.
  • Proof of family link with the European: passport or identity card of the European + civil status document proving the family link
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Any document proving the material and financial support provided by the European in the country of origin or provenance: documents from public administrations or private bodies (social services, tax administration, banking establishments, insurance, social protection bodies, etc.) or private persons (certificates, letters, etc.) showing the effectiveness of care or living within the household
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, health insurance, student card)

Seriously ill family member

You can obtain a residence card if you have serious health problems requiring the assistance of the European you are joining in France.

You must provide the following:

  • Valid passport
  • Indication of residence less than 6 months old: electricity bill, gas, water, rent receipt, proof of accommodation, etc.
  • Proof of family link with the European: passport or identity card of the European + civil status document proving the family link
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

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  • Medical Certificates Establishing the Severity of Your Health Condition
  • Any document proving the assistance provided by the European: accommodation, other documents concerning everyday life acts and care performed by the European
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, health insurance, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

The residence card family member of a Union citizen is free.

The card is given to you by the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home.

The residence card has a duration of validity of 5 years. However, if the European person you are joining is planning to stay less than 5 years, the duration of the card corresponds to the duration of their stay.

Card renewal must be requested ebetween 4 and 2 months before its end date.

The procedure is different depending on whether you have had one or more residence cards as a family member of a European for less than 5 years or more than 5 years.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You have one or more residence cards for less than 5 years

The card is renewable under the same conditions as for the 1re delivery.

You have had a card(s) for 5 years or more consecutive

After 5 years of regular and continuous stay in France with the European citizen, you can obtain a renewal of a residence card EC - Permanent residence - All professional activities, even if you don't want to work.

You must submit your application on the ANEF website (Digital Administration of Foreigners in France).

Apply online for a residence permit, a change of situation, a travel document, an application for ANEF naturalization

Documents to be provided

You must provide the following:

  • Valid passport
  • Indication of domicile: provided by any means
  • 1 recent photo (e-photo)

Find the contact details of authorized photographers and approved cabins

  • Proof of the continuity of the stay during the previous 5 years: receipts of rent or expenses, invoices, bank documents, tax documents, etc.
  • Proof of family relationship:
    • For the spouse: extract of marriage certificate
    • For the child: birth certificate with filiation
    • For the father or mother: Birth certificate of the child taking care of you
  • Proof of the right of residence of the European you are joining in France (e.g. employment contract, proof of resources, student card)

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

Special cases

If the European person you are joining is a worker and has acquired a right of permanent residence before 5 years of residence in France, you must present one of the following documents:

  • Any document on the acquisition of this right (retirement pension, proof of permanent incapacity for work, etc.)
  • In the event of the worker's death after more than 2 years' residence in France, death certificate + proof of the employment exercised + proof of the right of residence as a worker
  • Accident at work accident at work In the event of the worker's death as a result of an occupational disease, death certificate + attestation of the employment exercised + certificate of death or occupational disease

The residence card is given to you for free, by the prefecture or sub-prefecture where the application was lodged.

It is valid 10 years and is renewable.

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