Traveling abroad with your pet - Great Britain

Verified 12 juillet 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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  • You're going to Britain

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You can travel with your dog to Great Britain if it meets the following conditions:

  • Your dog is identified by electronic chip (identification by tattoo remains allowed if the tattoo was made before 3 July 2011 and remains legible)
  • You have his European identification passport issued by a veterinarian
  • Your dog is vaccinated against rabies. The rabies vaccine is available only from 12 weeks (3 months) and takes effect at least 21 days (3 weeks) later. It must be subject to an annual reminder. Vaccination must be carried out after identification to be considered valid.
Who shall I contact

Your dog should also be dewormed against echinococcus worms (intestinal parasite).

The processing must be carried out at the earliest 120 hours and at the latest 24 hours before the scheduled date of entry into the territory of the State concerned.

Inquire at the British Embassy or Consulate or at your local DDPP: titleContent to see if other measures are being imposed.

The maximum number of dogs that can accompany you is 5.

However, this number may be greater than 5 if the following 3 conditions are met:

  • Animals shall be transported for the purpose of participating in a contest, exhibition, sporting event or training for one of these events
  • You have written proof that the animals are registered either to participate in the event or with an association that organizes such events
  • The animals are more than 6 months old.

If you have to travel with more than 5 animals, ask your DDPP: titleContent.

Also ask in advance about the conditions of transport of animals practiced by the airline or railway company with which you plan to travel.


if you have a potentially dangerous dog, inform yourself in advance about the possibility of having it travel with you and to bring it into the territory of the destination country.

On your return to France, you do not have any special formalities to complete.

Cat, ferret

You can travel with your cat or ferret to Great Britain if it meets the following conditions:

  • Your cat or ferret is identified by electronic chip (identification by tattoo remains allowed if the tattoo was made before 3 July 2011 and remains legible)
  • You have his European identification passport issued by a veterinarian
  • Your cat or ferret is vaccinated against rabies. The rabies vaccine is available only from 12 weeks (3 months) and takes effect at least 21 days (3 weeks) later. It must be subject to an annual reminder. Vaccination must be carried out after identification to be considered valid.
Who shall I contact

Inquire at the British Embassy or Consulate or at your local DDPP: titleContent to see if other measures are being imposed.

The maximum number of cats or ferrets that can accompany you is 5.

However, this number may be greater than 5 if the following 3 conditions are met:

  • Animals shall be transported for the purpose of participating in a contest, exhibition, sporting event or training for one of these events
  • You have written proof that the animals are registered either to participate in the event or with an association that organizes such events
  • The animals are more than 6 months old.

If you have to travel with more than 5 animals, ask your DDPP: titleContent.

Also ask in advance about the conditions of transport of animals practiced by the airline or railway company with which you plan to travel.

On your return to France, you do not have any special formalities to complete.

Other pet

If you are planning to travel with another pet, inquire in advance about the regulations to enter Britain at the embassy or consulate.

Also ask about return conditions in France at your local DDPP: titleContent.

Also ask in advance about the conditions of transport of animals practiced by the airline or railway company with which you plan to travel.

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