Availability of data

Verified 22 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

‘Public data’ means all information collected, created, retained or published by public administrations, public services and private or public law entities pursuing a public service mission. Some of this data is now made available on the internet platform data.gouv.fr, under the conditions defined by the “Open License / Open License”. They are freely reusable.

Public information published in the sections of service-public.fr can be found on data.gouv.fr.

All content is available as a dataset:

As well as the data in the News section www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/service-public-fr-actualites-particuliers

And those from the Directory of Administration:

Directory data is also available as an API: https://api.gouv.fr/les-api/api-annuaire-administration-services-publics

The reuse of the information made available on data.gouv.fr is free, provided that the source and the date of update information.

Source: Service-Public.fr / DILA

Update: DD/MM/YYYY

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They may be used by our partners in their communication medium for the purpose of reference of the DILA products to which they are attached, provided that the name of the DILA is mentioned. Any other use, including commercial use, without the prior written consent of the DILA is prohibited under penalty of counterfeiting.

The Public Information Directory of the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA) lists all DILA funds reusable under the conditions provided by law.

For more information: http://www.dila.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/repertoire-des-informations-publiques