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What changes on July 1, 2020
Publié le 03 juillet 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Legal interest rates, gas tariffs, rent control in Paris, unemployment benefits, leave for the bereavement of a child, malus applicable for converted commercial vehicles, mandatory equipment on an electric scooter, cap of the costs of PEA booklets, payment of taxes at the tobacco office, new tobacco tariffs, reopening of borders, application for authorization to carry weapons, hunting accompanied... Find a selection of new products in effect since the 1er July 2020.
Legal interest rate in the 2nd half of 2020
The statutory interest rates applicable to the 2e 2020 semester are set at 3.11% for claims of natural persons not acting for professional purposes and to 0.84% for all other cases.
Lower gas prices
Engie's regulated gas sales rates drop by 0.3% on average at 1er july 2020 in relation to the scale applicable since 1er June 2020. This was stated by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) in a deliberation of 18 June 2020.
Second year of rent management in Paris
A Prefectural Decree concerning leases signed from 1er july 2020 sets the new reference rents for the private rental stock in Paris.
Unemployment insurance benefits
From 1er July 2020, the amounts of the minimum allowance, the fixed part of the return-to-employment assistance (RWA) allowance and the minimum RWA threshold for training recipients are increased by 0.40%.
Accommodation: help to pay rent is to be requested from 30 June
Unemployed workers, employees in difficulty having experienced a drop in income during the health crisis, a help has been put in place to help you pay your rent or your credit term. This aid is also open to employees in the agricultural sector. Seasonal farmers mobilized during the health crisis can also benefit from exceptional assistance. Applications have been open since June 30.
Leave following the death of a child is extended
As of 1er in july 2020, employees affected by the death of a child will receive 7 days off, up from 5 days. A "bereavement leave" of 8 additional days is created. Giving days off to a colleague affected by a child's death is now possible.
Commercial vehicles converted into passenger vehicles subject to malus
From 1er in july, the eco-malus will apply to a vehicle that is technically modified and has not been taxed at its 1re registration in France.
What equipment is required on a motorized EDP from 1 July?
Electric scooters, monoroues, gyropods, hoverboards... From 1er In July, some equipment is mandatory on motorized personal transport equipment (PRM). A video explains everything in 30 seconds.
Capping of the costs of PEA and PEA-PME booklets
From 1er share savings plan share savings plan July 2020, the opening, holding, transaction and transfer costs of a PEA or an ETI (PEA-PME) will be reduced.
Payment of his taxes to the tobacco office
Many retailers can offer their clients to pay their taxes (in cash up to €300 and by credit card) directly in the tobacco shops. The experiment set up in February spans the territory with 4,700 local contact points distributed in 3,400 municipalities.
New rates for certain cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco
From 1er in july 2020, the prices of certain cigarettes will increase. That's what an order in council says Official Journal of 12 June 2020.
Reopening of the EU's external borders
The external borders of the European Union and the Schengen area are open to travelers from 15 countries, subject to certain conditions.
New Proof of Registration for a Class B Weapon for Sport Shooting
In order to obtain an authorization, the favorable opinion of the National Federation is henceforth subject to the regular practice of shooting. The logbook showing the date of the 3 annual controlled shooting sessions is no longer required.
A minor must provide either proof of selection for international competitions or, if he or she is 12 years of age or older, a certificate from a person exercising parental authority stating that the weapon is in possession for the practice of sport shooting. It is no longer necessary to provide both documents at once.
The favorable opinion of the National Federation shall constitute proof of the follow-up of the initial training in the rules of security, storage and handling of weapons.
Accompanied hunting: a single point of contact for the application for authorization
From 1er In July, applications for authorization must be sent to the president of the departmental federation of hunters (and no longer to the director general of the French Office for Biodiversity).
Validation of hunting license
In order for your hunting license to be usable, you must validate it, the annual validation being valid from 1er July 2020 to June 30, 2021.
Wave exposure: display on all connected or remote controlled devices
Tablets, connected watches, radio-controlled toys... From 1er In July 2020, the specific absorption rate (SAR) will be displayed on all radio equipment likely to be used in the vicinity of the human body (up to 20 centimeters).
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