COVID-19 Prevention

A “Vaccine Rollback” Campaign for Older and More Vulnerable

Publié le 18 mars 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

A new vaccination campaign will take place in the spring. Aimed at the long-term protection of the oldest and most vulnerable people, it is organized in accordance with the opinion of the High Health Authority (HAS). Who is this "vaccine renewal" for? gives you all the information.

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Who is involved?

According to the opinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS) of February 8, 2024, the renewal of the vaccine scheduled for spring 2024 aims to protect people most at risk of developing a severe form of the disease, throughout the summer period, and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, until the fall.

The following are concerned:

  • the people aged 80 and over ;
  • the immunocompromised persons, whatever their age;
  • persons residing in Ehpad (accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people) or USLD (long-term care units), regardless of age;
  • and any person at very high risk according to each individual medical situation and as part of a shared medical decision with the care team.

Campaign dates

The campaign will unfold from monday, april 15, to sunday, june 16, 2024, with a possible extension to 15 July 2024 depending on the epidemiological situation.

The renewal of the vaccination can be carried out from 3 months after last injection or COVID-19 infection.

Residents of Ehpads and LTUs will be able to receive this new injection directly into their facility. For other people, the vaccine may be given by general practitioners or specialists, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, or hospital wards where the person is being treated.

Please note

for information on the annual dose of Covid-19 vaccine, you can consult the : COVID-19 vaccine: What are the rules?
