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COVID-19 vaccine: What are the rules?
Verified 02 October 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Indication of the dose and the rate at which the medicinal product is taken, in particular determined according to the age, sex, weight and clinical condition of the patient.
A person whose immune system is not functioning well
What applies to you ?
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You are already vaccinated
General case
It is recommended to receive 2 doses for a complete initial vaccination course and then from 12 years onwards to receive a booster dose from 3 months after completion of the initial vaccination course to enhance protection.
In addition, it is strongly recommended that people who are very vulnerable or exposed to COVID-19 receive a regular booster to maintain their protection against this virus and limit severe illness.
Child from 6 months to 11 years
For children 5 to 11 years of ageHowever, vaccination schedules have been simplified:
- Regardless of the patient’s vaccination history, posology now consists of a single dose of vaccine
- The concepts of primary immunization and booster vaccination are therefore no longer relevant for this age group
COVID-19 vaccination is open to children 6 months to 4 years of age at risk of severe disease, or living in the vicinity of immunocompromised person.
For those who have already been vaccinated or have been infected, a single dose is sufficient.
For the others, the 1era the vaccine is then given in 3 doses, separated by:
- 21 days for the first two
- And 8 weeks between the 2nd and 3rd.
To find out if you are affected by the annual dose and where to do it, you can consult the ministry of health page on this issue.
The annual dose is highly recommended people most at risk of severe disease, including the following:
- Person aged 65 and over
- Immunocompromised people (people whose immune system is not functioning well and who are therefore more susceptible to infections)
- Pregnant woman
- Resident in a residential care facility for dependent older adults (Ehpad) and a long-term care unit (LTU)
- Person at very high risk of severe illness based on each individual medical situation and in a decision shared with health care teams
- Person living in close contact or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people, including health and medical professionals
- People (from 6 months of age) with comorbidities who are at higher risk of severe disease.
Example :
Complicated high blood pressure, heart, blood vessel, liver, kidney, lung problems, diabetes, obesity, cancers, transplant recipients, people with trisomy 21 or psychiatric disorders or dementia
If you are not concerned by the target audience of this campaign, you can receive a free reminder if you wish.
Vaccination is indeed managed at 100% for all.
From October 15, 2024, the 2 Covid and influenza vaccination campaigns are carried out at the same time.
An additional dose of vaccine is recommended in the spring for some people.
Example :
Renewal in spring 2024 was aimed at protecting those most at risk of developing severe disease.
These were:
- People aged 80 and over
- Immunocompromised patients of all ages
- Residents of residential care facilities for dependent older people (EHPAD) and long-term care units (LTUs), regardless of age
- Any person identified as at very high risk of developing a serious form of the disease by the health care team in view of his medical situation.
This vaccination renewal was held from April 15 to June 16, 2024.
The time between 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine or between a COVID-19 infection and one dose of vaccine is 6 months.
This period is reduced to 3 months since the last injection or infection, regardless of age, for people who are at risk (people 80 and over, people Immunocompromised).
A simulator is used to find a vaccination site:
You're not vaccinated yet
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Vaccination is open to all adults unless contraindicated.
For people aged 5 years and older, the posology consists of a single dose of vaccine, regardless of vaccination history.
To find out if you have priority for the annual dose and where to get vaccinated, you can consult the ministry of health page on this issue.
However, if you are not on target, you can still get a free vaccination.
From October 15, 2024, the 2 Covid and influenza vaccination campaigns are carried out at the same time.
Under 12 to 17 years inclusive
Minors aged 12 to 17 inclusive may be vaccinated with the authorization of persons having parental authority:
- The 2 parents if they exercise it jointly unless it is impossible for one of the two parents to obtain the agreement of the other parent
- Or the guardian.
Minors, even if they have a Vitale card in their name, must present the Vitale card of one of their parents or a certificate of entitlement mentioning the social security number of one of their parents.
To find out if you have priority for the annual dose and where to get vaccinated, you can consult the ministry of health page on this issue.
However, if you are not on target, you can still get a free vaccination.
From October 15, 2024, the 2 Covid and influenza vaccination campaigns are carried out at the same time.
Depending on your age and health, different healthcare professionals (vaccination center, nursing practice, attending doctor, pharmacy, medical biology laboratories, state-certified nursing assistants and state-certified childcare assistants...) can vaccinate you.
A simulator is used to find a vaccination site:
Vaccination is free and there's no need for a prescription.
You need to recover a certified vaccination certificate and one vaccination synthesis.
Certified vaccination certificate serves as official proof of vaccination.
The vaccination synthesis contains the batch number of the injected vaccine. It may be useful in case of a reportable adverse reaction.
You have a child aged 5 to 11 years
Children aged 5 to 11 years may be vaccinated except those with contraindications (eg, pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome).
To find out if your child is affected by the annual dose and where to get the vaccine, you can consult the ministry of health page on this issue.
However, if your child is not on target, they can still receive a free vaccination.
From October 15, 2024, the 2 Covid and influenza vaccination campaigns are carried out at the same time.
Your child aged 5 to 11 years may be vaccinated with the permission of the persons having parental authority:
- The two parents if they exercise it jointly unless it is impossible for one of the two parents to obtain the agreement of the other parent
- Or the guardian.
Your child may be vaccinated at one of the following sites:
- Its usual place of care (university hospital, hospital, pediatric hospitals, specialized establishments, medium and long-term care centers, medical and social services and establishments for children with disabilities, etc.)
- Maternal and child protection services (MCH)
- Vaccination centers that offer pediatric vaccination
- At their primary care doctor or pediatrician
Midwives can prescribe and administer this vaccine is for children who do not have problems. The same is true for pharmacists, especially pharmacists and nurses. Some dental surgeons and medical and pharmacy students may administer this vaccine and some firefighters and health students are injecting it for the same audience.
You have a child aged 6 months to 4 years
Which children can be vaccinated?
To know if your child is affected by the annual dose and where to do it, you can consult the ministry of health page on this issue.
Example :
People (from 6 months of age) with comorbidities who are at higher risk of severe disease have priority.
For children under 5 years of age, for those who have already been vaccinated or who have been infected, a single dose is sufficient from 6 months after the last injection or infection. For the others, a 3-dose schedule is maintained.
From October 15, 2024, the 2 Covid and influenza vaccination campaigns are carried out at the same time.
What parental authorization?
Your child may be vaccinated with:
- Of the 2 parents if they exercise it jointly (unless it is impossible for one of the two parents to obtain the agreement of the other parent)
- Or the guardian.
Who can vaccinate?
Midwives and nurses can vaccinate the child.
Free transport for dependent persons
Compulsory vaccination (Article 12), vaccination of minors (Article 1)
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