On-line approach

“Complement dossier”, the online service of Health Insurance to deposit your missing documents

Publié le 14 mars 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Have you applied to the Health Insurance and documents are missing in the proper processing of your file? You can now send them directly online to your Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM).

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Image 1Crédits: Юлия Завалишина - stock.adobe.com

The “Complement dossier” online service now allows insured persons to add missing documents to a dossier being processed.

This tool is used to transmit the elements directly over the internet, in a secure manner.

Health Insurance warns you by email if you need to complete your file and submit missing documents. When you log in to your friendly account, a message will also appear on the home page, in the " notification ”.

How do I use the “Folder Add-in” online service?

To submit documents that are missing from your case processing, you must:

  • sign in to your ameli account
  • click on the notification on the home page or, if you have received an email on your email address, click on the "complete your file" button;
  • View a list of documents that are missing from the proper handling of your case.
  • scan or download missing documents. They must be legible, clear and well-lit;
  • Click on “drop” in front of each document to download it.
  • once the documents have been submitted, check the box "I certify the accuracy of the information provided";
  • click on the “send” button.

Please note

Medicare recommends using a computer rather than a mobile phone to use this online service to handle documents more easily.


in case of difficulties, agents in France Services houses are trained to accompany you in your online procedures. This accompaniment is free.

You can find the France Services branch closest to you on the website France Services.
