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How do I get a copy of a diploma?
Verified 18 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
In case of loss or theft of a secondary school diploma (e.g.: certificate, baccalaureate), you can obtain a certificate of achievement digital or paper. If it is a higher education degree (e.g. bachelor's degree, master's degree), you can obtain a certificate numeric or a duplicate paper. If you have changed your marital status, you can request the re-issue of your diploma with this change taken into account.
What applies to you ?

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Secondary school diploma
You can request a certificate of achievement if you have a general, technological or vocational secondary education diploma.
The certificate of achievement has an official value and gives you the same rights as the original diploma.
To obtain it, the steps to follow are different depending on where you obtained the diploma.
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General case
The digital attestation is not not available for all degrees. See the list of degrees available by academy and by session.
You want a digital attestation
The request is made online using the following online service:
You want a paper attestation
You must apply for a certificate of achievement from the rectorate.
Many academies have their own application form. Check directly with the services of the rectorate or on its website.
If the academy does not have a form, you can make a request by mail to the examination and competition division the rectorate of academy where the diploma was awarded. You must specify the following information:
- Your first and last name(s)
- Your date of birth
- Your address
- Exact title of your diploma
- Name of the establishment where it was prepared
- Series
- Year of graduation
Attach a photocopy of your ID to your application.
Please note
some academies ask to attach stamps or a stamped envelope to your application to send you the certificate in return. Check this information on the Rectorate's website.
In Île-de-France
The digital attestation is not not available for all degrees. See the list of degrees available by academy and by session.
You want a digital attestation
The request is made online using the following online service:
You want a paper attestation
You must apply for an attestation online.
Application for certification of success in case of loss of a diploma issued in Île-de-France
In a French establishment abroad
Check with the institution where you graduated to find out how to apply for a certificate of achievement.
Who shall I contact
The time taken to receive the certificate varies.
Yeah. Yeah. If you have changed your marital status (surname, first name or gender), you can request the reissue your diploma with the consideration of this change.
The procedure differs depending on where you graduated
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General case
You must contact the rectorate of the academy in which you obtained the diploma. The procedure to follow will be specified.
In Île-de-France
You must contact the Examination House (SIEC). The procedure to follow will be specified.
Who shall I contact
Diploma in higher education
You can get a duplicate or a certificate of achievement graduation.
The procedure differs depending on whether your degree has been issued by an institution of higher education or by a rectorate (BTS, diploma in accounting and management, higher diploma in accounting and management,...).
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Diploma awarded by an institution of higher education
In case of loss, theft or destruction of your higher education diploma, you can ask the higher education institution that issued you the original diploma one duplicate of this one.
You will need to submit a document that justifies your request. This is the case, for example, with a receipt for filing a theft complaint, a declaration of loss of your insurance or a declaration on honor.
The mention duplicate must appear on the new diploma.
The duplicate has an official value and gives you the same rights as the original of the diploma.
The process for obtaining the duplicate depends on each institution. You must contact the institution which awarded you the diploma original.
Who shall I contact
Diploma awarded by a rectorate
You can get a certificate of achievement graduation.
For some degrees, you can obtain this certificate online, in the format digital.
The digital attestation is not not available for all degrees. See the list of degrees available by academy and by session.
The request is made using the following online service:
Obtain a digital certificate of your diplomas
If the digital certificate is not available for your degree, you must apply for a certificate of achievement from the rectorate.
Check directly with the services of the rectorate or on its website the procedure to follow to make your request.
If you have changed your marital status (surname, first name or gender), you can request the reissue of your diploma with the taking into account of this change.
The procedure differs depending on whether your degree has been issued by an institution of higher education or by a rectorate (BTS, diploma in accounting and management, higher diploma in accounting and management,...).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Diploma awarded by an institution of higher education
You must contact the institution where you graduated. The procedure to follow will be specified.
Who shall I contact
Diploma awarded by a rectorate
You must contact the rectorate that awarded you the diploma. The procedure to follow will be specified.
Obtain a digital certificate of your diplomas
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