Can we still claim the equivalent pension allowance (AER)?
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
No, no, no. The Pension Equivalent Allowance (REA), intended for jobseekers who have not reached retirement age but who have completed the quarters required to have a full pension rate, is not more assigned since 1er january 2011.
Alone persons whose EAR rights have been open before 1er january 2011 continue to receive it until the expiry of their rights.
There's 2 types of AER:
- Replacement AER paid, in lieu of the specific solidarity allowance (SSA) or the RSA: titleContent, to jobseekers who have exhausted their rights to the return-to-employment assistance (ARE) allowance
- Complement AER paid to jobseekers in addition to the AER where the amount of the AER is less than the AER
Replacement AER
It's €41.09 per day.
The monthly amount shall be equal to the daily amount multiplied by the number of days in the month concerned, i.e. €1,232.71 for a month of 30 days.
The amount of the monthly allowance depends on the resources of the applicant and the person with whom they live in a relationship. All resources subject to income tax are taken into account.
The amount withheld is the 12thè resources received during the 12 months preceding the month of the application.
The following resources are excluded from the calculation of annual resources:
- Unemployment or solidarity benefits (SSA, RSA: titleContent)
- Family benefits
- Accommodation allowance
- Traineeship and activity earnings in the 12 months preceding the application for the EAR
The monthly amount of the EAR varies if the person is alone or in a relationship :
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For a single person
The monthly amount of the EAR for a single person depends on his monthly resources.
Monthly Resources | Monthly EAR amount |
Less than or equal to €739.62 | €1,232.71 |
Between €739.62 and €1,972.33 | Difference between €1,972.33 and the resources |
Greater than €1,972.33 | No AER |
In the event of the resumption of a reduced or occasional professional activity, the monthly amount of the EAR shall be reduced. The number of days not compensated shall be calculated as follows:
0.60 x (gross remuneration / €41.09).
For a couple
The monthly amount of the AER for a single couple depends on their monthly resources.
Monthly Resources | Monthly EAR amount |
Less than or equal to €1,602.52 | €1,232.71 |
Between €1,602.52 and €2,835.22 | The amount of the AER varies according to the income of the spouse, partner or partner of Civil partnerships (unemployment benefits, traineeship remuneration). 3 cases: |
Greater than €2,835.22 | No AER |
In the event of the resumption of a reduced or occasional professional activity, the monthly amount of the EAR shall be reduced. The number of days not compensated shall be calculated as follows:
0.60 x (gross remuneration / €41.09).
Complement AER
To benefit from the AER add-on, you must have resources less than :
- €1,232.71 if you live alone,
- €2,835.22 if you are a couple of whom less than €1,232.71 in a personal capacity.
The Supplementary EAR shall complement the applicant's resources by €1,232.71. Resources of your spouse or partner of Pacs are not considered.
Example :
A couple has €2,400 per month of which €900.00 for the applicant for the EAR and €1,500 for the activity of his or her spouse or Civil partnership partner. The amount of the EAR is €332.71 (1 232.71 - 900).
In the event of the resumption of a reduced or occasional professional activity, the monthly amount of the EAR shall be reduced. The number of days not compensated shall be calculated as follows:
0.60 x (gross remuneration / €41.09).
In the 2 cases
The EAR is awarded and paid monthly by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) for a period of 12 months.
The AER is then renewed under the same conditions as in 1era allocation, if you received the allocation before 1er January 2011.
It is paid each month by France Travail with a due date (for example early November for the October allowance).
When the beneficiary of the supplementary AER expires his entitlement to unemployment benefits, his entitlement to the AER shall be calculated in accordance with the rules on the replacement AER.
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