Elusive bank balance (SBI)
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
When your bank account is subject to seizure, the bank leaves a minimum amount on your account. This is called the elusive bank balance (SBI). At least leaving the SBI on your account should allow you to make your food purchases. The amount of the SBI shall be €635.70, regardless of your family situation (e.g. presence or absence of dependent children). We present you with the information you need to know.
The situation differs depending on whether the amount on your bank account is less than or equal to €635.70, or greater than €635.70.
Less than or equal to €635.70
If on the day of entry, you have less than €635.70 or just about €635.70 on your bank account, then your account is left as is.
Example :
If your bank account has €200 before the seizure, then the bank leaves these €200 on the account. No money is charged to the account.
More than €635.70
Your bank account may have received elusive sums (minimum social benefits, family benefits, maintenance received...).
The relationship between these sums and the SBI at the time of seizure depends in particular on the amount of these sums.
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Bank account with elusive sums
Elusive amounts less than €635.70
Example :
If the day of entry:
- Bank account has €1,000, of which €200 of elusive sums
- The entry to be made is €500
- The SBI is €635.70
Then, after the seizure:
- It is left on the account the amount of the SBI, either €635.70 (as this amount is greater than the amount of uncollectible amounts)
- The seizure made is €1,000 - €635.70 = €364.29
Elusive sums over €635.70
Example :
If the day of entry:
- Bank account has €1,000, of which €700 of elusive sums
- The entry to be made is €500
- The SBI is €635.70
Then, after the seizure:
- The amount of the unseizable amounts is left in the account, i.e. €700 (as this amount is higher than the SBI)
- The seizure made is €1,000 - €700 = €300
Other case
Example :
If the day of entry:
- Bank account has €1,000. There is no elusive sum involved
- The entry to be made is €500
- The SBI is €635.70
Then, after the seizure:
- It is left on the account the amount of the SBI, either €635.70
- The seizure made is €1,000 - €635.70 = €364.29
Articulation of the SBI with seizable sums
Supervisory and Resolution Authority (ACPR)