Childcare assistance (AGE) for job-seekers
Verified 03 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Are you a job seeker and are you returning to a job or taking training? You can benefit from the childcare assistance (AGE) of France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), under certain conditions. We present you with the information you need to know.
You can collect the AGE if you fill out all of the following conditions :
- You are registered with France Travail as a job seeker and you will resume a professional activity or training
- You are not compensated by France Travail or your daily unemployment benefit is less than or equal to €41.56
- You are raising 1 or more children of under 12 years which you have the right to charge
- You must not have received this assistance in the Last 12 months on the occasion of another return to employment or entry into training.
AGE replaces Single Parent Child Care Assistance (SIGA) that has been unemployed since 1er May 2024.
Please note
In certain specific locally defined situations, support for childcare may be granted exceptionally, even if certain conditions are not met. This decision remains exceptional and is subject to the assessment of your France Travail advisor and the validation of the France Travail agency director.
The conditions depend on your situation: you take a job or you enter training.
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You're getting a job back
You can collect the EFA if you return to full-time or part-time employment by DTA: titleContent, in CSD: titleContent or a temporary employment contract of at least 28 days calendars.
You must complete an EFA application form with proof of the age of your child or children.
Formulate your request online in your personal area France Travail and download the necessary supporting documents (copy of your employment contract, copy of the family record or birth certificate, etc.)
The request for assistance can also be submitted to your France Travail advisor.
Your EFA application should be addressed to France Travail no later than 3 months after your return to employment.
You're going into training
Your training must be validated by France Travail.
It can be distance learning.
It must be of at least 40 hours.
You must complete an EFA application form with proof of the age of your child or children. This form is available in France Travail agencies.
You must complete an EFA application form with proof of the age of your child or children.
Formulate your request online in your personal area France Travail and download the necessary supporting documents (copy of your employment contract, copy of the family record or birth certificate, etc.)
The request for assistance can also be submitted to your France Travail advisor.
Your EFA application should be addressed to France Travail no later than 3 months after your training.
Please note
if you are not the father or mother of the child, you must provide the court order that gave you custody of the child.
The amount of the EFA depends on the length of your return to employment or training and the number of children to be cared for. Specific amounts shall apply to Mayotte.
General case
AGE is not taxable on income.
AGE is not taxable on income.
The date of payment of the EFA depends on whether or not your child attends school.
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Your child is in school
The AGE is paid by France Travail in the 3 months upon receipt of your copy of your employment contract or your 1re pay slip or your certificate of entry into training.
The AGE is paid to you once only by period of 12 months after the date of resumption of employment or training.
Your child is not in school
If your child is not in school, you must provide:
- Or a copy of your child’s registration certificate in an early childhood facility
- Either a contract of employment for childcare at home or as a childminder.
You must provide these documents not later than 2 months after re-employment or training.
The AGE is paid by France Travail in the 3 months upon receipt of your copy of your employment contract or your 1re pay slip or your certificate of entry into training.
The AGE is paid to you once only by period of 12 months after the date of resumption of employment or training.
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