What is hazing?

Verified 17 December 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If someone leads you to undergo or commit humiliating or degrading acts in the school, sports or socio-educational setting, you are then the victim of hazing. This is an offense punishable by law. Here is the useful information to deal with a hazing situation.

If someone leads you to endure or commit crimes humiliating or degrading acts, then you are hazing victim.

This is the case, for example, if someone makes you drink excessively even if you consent.

The event must take place during a community-related event or meeting schoolboy, athletic or socio-educational.

So you can be victim or person guilty of hazing if you are students in schools and institutions of the first, second degree, higher education and specialized education.

You are also affected if you participate in an educational, sports or socio-educational activity in a public or private organization.

The legal persons (e.g. sports club) may also be liable.

The situation differs depending on whether you are a victim or a witness to hazing.

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You must complain at the police station or gendarmerie of your choice.

You can also to bring you a civil party.

If you're a minor, you must be accompanied by your legal representative (parent, ad hoc administrator...) to file a complaint and to bring you a civil action.


You have 6 yearsAfter the fact, to file a complaint.

Disciplinary action

You must also inform the administrative authority without delay of the establishment.

Those responsible for the establishment will have to refer the case to the public prosecutor and hire disciplinary proceedings against the authors and staff who contributed to the hazing.

Accompaniment of the victim

You can prevent a person dof your establishment. You can, for example, alert a teacher, a supervisor.

You can also talk to your friends parents or someone in your family.

You can also get closer to a specialized association in helping hazing victims. You will get advice and support to deal with the situation.

In particular, you can contact the national committee against hazing.


You must to prevent a person in your institution. You can, for example, alert the head teacher, a teacher, a supervisor.

You can also get closer to a specialized association in helping hazing victims. You will get advice and support to deal with the situation.

In particular, you can contact the national committee against hazing.

Hazing is a offense. He is punished by 6 months imprisonment and €7,500 of fine. These sentences are doubled if the victim is a vulnerable person.


acts of violence, threats or sexual abuse are offenses other than hazing. They are punishable by fines or imprisonment of up to 10 years.

The legal person convicted person faces a fine of €37,500 and the closure of the hazing premises.

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