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What are the rules for inheriting?
Verified 11 January 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A person designated by law or will to collect the estate of a deceased person
Child, grandchild, great-grandchild
It's the one that's indicated as such in the birth certificate of the child, regardless of gender
The person from whom you come: parent, grandparent, great-grandparent,...
Brothers, sisters of a person and children of the latter (privileged collateral) as well as uncles, aunts, cousins (ordinary collateral)
Composed of usufruct and bare ownership. Allows you to dispose of, use and receive income from an asset.
Property right that makes it possible to dispose of a property (for example: sell or give it away)
Child, or in the absence of a child, the spouse, to whom the law allocates a minimum share of inheritance
Part of the estate of the deceased, which must be returned to the reserving heirs (descendants) or surviving spouse if the deceased does not leave any descendants
Share of a person's property that he or she may freely donate by gift or will
One of your loved ones just passed away. Want to know if you inherit and calculate your inheritance share? You have to distinguish 2 situations. If the deceased has not made a will, the order of priority of the heirs determines the shares of the inheritance. If the deceased has made a will, he must reserve part of his estate to certain heirs and may allocate the remaining part to persons of his choice.
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No will
Prioritization of heirs
When the deceased did not will, it is the law which designates its heirs and prioritize them. We're talking about legal devolution.
The heirs are classified in the following order, in the absence of a surviving spouse:
- Children and their families descendants (no distinction should be made between them, regardless of the relationship between the parents)
- The parents, brothers and sisters and their descendants
- The ascendants other than parents
- The collateral other than siblings and descendants of the latter
Each of these four categories constitutes an order of heirs that excludes the following. It is the heirs closest in degree of kinship who inherit and exclude others.
However, the rule of representation allows the descendants of a deceased heir to collect his share of the inheritance.
Special place of the spouse
The surviving spouse inherits in all cases. However, its share in the estate varies according to the following situations:
- Presence of other heirs on the day of death, particularly whether or not the deceased had children (common or not)
- Marital status of spouses (community reduced to acquisitions or marriage contract)
Please note
the husband also benefits from special right in his dwelling.
Inheritance shares are allocated differently depending on whether the deceased has children's play or not.
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The deceased had children
The deceased was married
Inheritance shares are allocated differently depending on whether the deceased leaves only children from the couple or not.
The deceased leaves only children from the couple
If the deceased leaves only children from the couple, the surviving spouse has the choice between the following 2 options:
- Usufruct of the totality of the succession
- Full ownership of the 1/4 of the succession
If the spouse chooses the usufruct of the entire estate, the children inherit the bare-ownership of the entire estate.
If the spouse chooses full ownership of the 1/4 from the estate, the children inherit the full ownership of the 3/4 of the estate.
Any heir may request, in writing, the surviving spouse to choose one of the 2 options. If the surviving spouse does not make known his or her choice in writing in the 3 months, the usufruct of the whole of the succession shall be attributed to it.
If the surviving spouse dies without having made his or her choice, he or she shall be deemed to have opted for usufruct of the entire estate.
The deceased leaves children uncommon to the couple
If the deceased leaves children that are not common to the couple, the surviving spouse inherits the 1/4 of the succession in full ownership.
In this case, children inherit 3/4 of the estate in full ownership.
Unmarried deceased
His belongings go to his children.
Her children receive all of her belongings in equal parts.
If the deceased was living as a couple, his Civil partnership partner or cohabiting partner have no rights to his estate.
The deceased had no children
Married deceased
The rules of inheritance differ depending on whether the parents of the deceased are alive or deceased.
parents have a right of return, that is, the right to take back the property they had given to their children before their death. The value of these assets is set off against the inheritance rights of the father and mother.
Unmarried deceased
The situation of an unmarried deceased, with no children, is the same as that of a widowed or divorced deceased.
The settlement of the succession shall be different in the following cases:
The deceased has siblings
Sisters and brothers are divided up in equal parts. For example, if the deceased with one parent still alive had one brother and one sister, the brother and sister would each be entitled to 3/8 of the estate.
Half-brothers and half-sisters have the same rights as siblings.
parents have a right of return, that is, the right to take back the property they had given to their children before their death. The value of these assets is set off against the inheritance rights of the father and mother.
The deceased has no siblings
His property goes to his ascendants : parents, grandparents, great grandparents.
First, the estate is divided into 2 equal parts that go to each parental branch (maternal and paternal).
Next, the heirs are determined by branch going from 1re generation to the most distant generations.
If no ascendant is alive, the succession goes to his uncles, aunts, cousins and cousins (i.e. his collateral ordinary).
If no heir is aliveAnd, the State receives the estate.
Reserving heirs
Some heirs cannot be excluded from the estate. These are the heirs reserving. They must receive a share of the deceased's inheritance: this is the hereditary reserve.
These are the children of the deceased and their descendants who are heirs.
If the deceased has not had a child, the heir to whom the reservation is made is the surviving spouse.
Available Quota
The hereditary reserve never represents the entire inheritance of the deceased.
The remaining part of the heritage is called the available quota. It can be distributed freely (to an heir or a third party) by the deceased in his will.
Inheritance shares are allocated differently depending on whether the deceased has children's play or not.
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The deceased had children
The share of inheritance reserved for children is as follows:
- The half property for 1 child
- The 2/3 property for 2 children
- The 3/4 property for 3 or more children
The available quota, i.e. the remaining part of the estate, may be freely assigned by the deceased in his will.
Example :
The deceased has a heritage of €200,000 and three children. His children will share 3/4 of this heritage either €150,000 in equal parts. Each child will therefore receive €50,000. The deceased can assign the remaining 1/4 either €50,000 to persons of his choice (heirs or third parties).
parents have a right of return, that is, the right to take back the property they had given to their children before their death. The value of these assets is set off against the inheritance rights of the father and mother.
The deceased had no children
The heir to whom the reservation is made is the surviving spouse. 1/4 heritage is reserved for him.
The deceased will be able to allocate freely (for the benefit of an heir or a third party) the 3/4 remaining in his will.
Example :
The deceased has a heritage of €200,000. Her husband will receive €50,000. The deceased may assign the €150,000 to persons of his choice (heirs or third parties).
parents have a right of return, that is, the right to take back the property they had given to their children before their death. The value of these assets is set off against the inheritance rights of the father and mother.
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- Notary
Rights of parents in the absence of a successor spouse
Qualifications required to succeed
Order of heirs
Article 756 (rights of the successor)