Can you practice a paramedical profession in France with a foreigners degree?
Verified 01 April 2021 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of Social Affairs
To exercise a regulated profession, you must have the corresponding diploma, certificate or qualification. Depending on your nationality and the country where you graduated, you can practice in France under certain conditions. You can also go back to school to get an adaptation of the foreigners diploma or to get a French diploma.
With a European degree
If you are European, hold a European degree and intend to practice in France, 2 schemes exist. You must either obtain a license to practice in case of installation (except exceptions) or make a declaration in case of occasional exercise.
Professions concerned:
- Caregiver's Assistant
- Paramedic
- Hearing aid specialist
- Childcare assistant
- Genetics Advisor
- Dietitian
- Occupational therapist
- Nurse
- Manipulator in medical electroradiology
- Physical therapist
- Optician-eyewear
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Orthoptist
- Podiatrist
- Pharmacy preparer and hospital pharmacy preparer
- Prosthetists and orthotists for the fitting of handicapped persons (orthoprosthetist, podo-orthesist, ocularist, epithetist, orthopedist-orthesist)
- Psychomotrician
- Radiophysicist
- Medical laboratory technician
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Authorization for establishment in France
If you are European and have a paramedical diploma issued or recognized by a European country, you may be authorized to practice permanently in France.
You may be authorized to practice for your profession:
- directly if your training is considered comparable to that leading to the French diploma, certificate or qualification,
- or after an adaptation period or an aptitude test in the event of major discrepancies between your training and that leading to the French diploma, certificate or diploma.
You must apply for a license to practice with the Dreets: titleContent the place where you intend to practice.
Who shall I contact
you cannot apply in multiple regions. If you obtain the exercise authorization, it is however valid throughout France.
Declaration for an occasional financial year in France
You can work temporarily and occasionally in France with your European diploma.
Before your 1re performance, you must file a prior declaration. It is renewable every year.
Caregiver's Assistant
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent of the Hauts-de-France region.
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Normandy region.
Hearing aid specialist
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent of the Grand-Est region.
Childcare assistant
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Pays de la Loire region.
Genetics Advisor
You should contact the Caregiving Branch - HR2 Office.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent of the Grand-Est region.
Occupational therapist
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
You have to go to the National Order of Nurses.
Who shall I contact
Manipulator in medical electroradiology
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
Physical therapist
You must contact the National Order of Massage Therapists.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Speech-Language Pathologist
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Hauts de France region.
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.
You must contact the Order of Pedicures-Podologists.
Who shall I contact
Pharmacy preparer and hospital pharmacy preparer
You should contact the Caregiving Branch - HR2 Office.
Who shall I contact
Prosthetists and orthotists for the fitting of handicapped persons
You should contact the Caregiving Branch - HR2 Office.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent of the Occitanie region.
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
Medical laboratory technician
You must contact the Dreets: titleContent of the Center-Val de Loire region.
With a degree from another foreigner country
If you are a national of a foreigner country (excluding EEE: titleContent and Switzerland) and hold a paramedical diploma issued by that State, you cannot in principle practice in France with this diploma.
Professions concerned:
- Caregiver's Assistant
- Paramedic
- Hearing aid specialist
- Childcare assistant
- Genetics Advisor
- Dietitian
- Occupational therapist
- Nurse
- Manipulator in medical electroradiology
- Physical therapist
- Optician-eyewear
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Orthoptist
- Podiatrist
- Pharmacy preparer and hospital pharmacy preparer
- Prosthetists and orthotists for the fitting of handicapped persons (orthoprosthetist, podo-orthesist, ocularist, epithetist, orthopedist-orthesist)
- Psychomotrician
- Radiophysicist
- Medical laboratory technician
However, if there is a bilateral agreement with a European country on the recognition of your professional qualifications, you can check it with the authorities of your country of origin.
If this is the case, you can register with the training institute of the relevant paramedical profession to take adaptation training and obtain the corresponding diploma, certificate or title.
Regulated professions: steps to be taken according to the profession
Please note
depending on your degree and the type of paramedical profession envisaged, you may be exempted from part of the education. This exemption is not granted automatically and does not apply to all training courses.
Practicing as a pharmacy preparer and as a hospital pharmacy preparer
Practice of the profession of nurse
Exercise of the profession of massage therapist
Exercise of the profession of pedicure-podiatrist
Exercise of the profession of occupational therapist
Exercise of the profession of psychomotrician
Exercise of the profession of speech-language pathologist
Exercise of the profession of orthoptist
Practice of the professions of medical electroradiology manipulator and medical laboratory technician
Exercise of the professions of audio-prosthetist, optician-eyewear, prosthetist and orthotist for the apparatus of disabled persons
Exercise of the profession of dietitian
Practice of the profession of nursing assistant
Exercise of the profession of auxiliary child-care worker
Exercise of the profession of paramedic
Exercise of paramedical professions for non-European nationals holding a European diploma
Ministry of Health