Overtime in the Territorial Public Service (FPT)
Verified 10 October 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You are a territorial agent and work overtime? They give rise to the payment of compensation or to a compensating rest. We present you with the information you need to know.
Overtime is the amount of work you do at the request of your department manager, when the needs of the service so require, exceeding the time limits defined by your work cycle.
The work cycle is defined by department or by function nature.
The work cycles to which the services may have recourse are defined by ministerial decree. These orders lay down in particular the duration of the cycle, the daily and weekly limits and the rest and rest conditions.
Working hours are defined within the work cycle so that the annual working time is within the legal duration (1,607 hours or less).
When the work cycle consists of several weeks, the duration of work may vary from one week to the next within the cycle. Example: 2-week cycle including 1 week at 32 hours and 1 week at 38 hours, or 35 hours on average per week.
Where the working cycle provides for a working time of more than 35 hours per week or 1 607 hours per year, hours worked in excess of the statutory working time shall give rise to RTT. Example: a 39-hour week entitles you to 4 hours of RTT.
Hours worked beyond the legal duration, once RTT days have been granted, where applicable, constitute overtime.
Overtime worked between 10pm and 7am shall be considered as overtime at night.
You cannot accomplish more than 25 overtime hours per month.
This monthly quota may be exceeded by decision of your Head of Service if exceptional circumstances warrant and for a limited period. The staff representatives on the Territorial Social Committee shall be informed immediately.
Overtime should not lead you to exceed actual work following:
- 48 hours in a week
- An average of 44 hours over 12 consecutive weeks.
The daily working time may not exceed 10 hours.
The maximum range of the working day is set for 12 noon.
You must have, like any agent, a daily rest of at least 11 hours and a weekly rest of at least 35 consecutive hours and normally including Sunday.
You must have a break of at least 20 minutes every 6 hours of work.
Overtime shall give rise to compensatory rest or compensation.
The same overtime shall not give rise to both compensatory rest and compensation.
Posts whose duties involve overtime and the general conditions for recourse to compensation or compensation shall be determined by deliberation.
An additional hour may give rise to compensatory rest of at least equal duration. This period may be increased by ministerial order when the overtime is worked at night, on a Saturday or day of rest, on a Sunday or on a public holiday.
In the absence of compensation in the form of compensatory rest, an additional hour shall give rise to the payment of a hourly allowance.