Can a public official be absent on the day of a religious holiday?
Verified 07 November 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
If the requirements of the normal functioning of the public service so permit, public officials may be granted leave to attend religious festivals, corresponding to their religion, other than legal religious festivals.
Administrations may grant absence permits to public officials to take part in religious festivals other than legal religious holidays.
These leave authorizations may be granted if the requirements of the normal operation of the public service so permit.
For members of the Armenian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim or Orthodox faiths, authorizations for absence may be granted in particular on the occasion of the following religious holidays:
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Armenian festivals
- Nativity Day
- Feast of the Vartanant Saints
- Commemoration of April 24.
Buddhist festival
Vesak Day (Buddha Day).
As the date of this celebration is fixed to the nearest day, leave authorizations can be granted with a lag or a lag.
Jewish holidays
- Sculpin (Pentecost)
- Rosh Hashana (New Year's Day: 2 days)
- Yom Kippur (Forgiveness).
The parties start the night before.
Muslim feasts
- Eid El Adha
- Al Mawlid Ennabi
- Eid El Fitr.
Since the dates of these holidays are fixed to the nearest day, the absence permits can be granted with a delay of one day or less. These parties start the night before.
Orthodox feasts
- Theophany according to the Gregorian or Julian calendar
- Good Friday
- Ascension.