How do I find the RNA identification number of an association?

Verified 24 June 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Since 2009, all associations (such as Law 1901) created or having declared a change of situation have a RNA number. The National Directory of Associations (NAS) is available on the open public data platform

National Directory of Associations (NAS)

To find the RNA number of your association, you can also contact the registry of associations of the prefecture of the department in which its head office is located.

Who shall I contact

Please note

the owner's trade union associations (Asp) have no RNA number.

Individuals outside the association may have access to the NAS number of an association or association recognized as being in the public interest by making a request to the prefecture or sub-prefecture of its headquarters.

General case
Who shall I contact

The RNA number of an association remains recorded 3 years in the NAS registry following its dissolution.