How do I get the change report receipt for an association?

Verified 22 November 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

After studying your statement, the registry of associations of the prefecture of the department in which the headquarters of your association is located issues you a receipt.

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You filed online through your association account

If you have completed your editing process online, you can view your messages in your association account.

Create your association account

You have made your declaration by email

This receipt is sent to you by email.

You need to check your e-mail, including junk e-mail (spam) in which the receipt could be filed.

You filed your return by mail

If you have filed your return by mail using the paper form, this receipt will be sent to you by mail.


due to the large number of files received, the deadline for issuing the receipt, set in the texts at 5 days, may be longer in some prefectures.

If you have no response to your statement, you can contact the Registry of Associations.

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