With what documents can a French minor travel abroad? - Alone or with another person

Verified 08 décembre 2021 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of the Interior

Your situation

  • Does the child travel alone or with another person?
  • The parent signing the authorization to leave the territory (AST) is French

A minor child who lives in France and travels within the European Union or abroad without one of his parents must have an authorization to leave the territory (AST) signed by his 2 parents. Without this authorization, he will not be able to leave French territory.

The rules depend on the nationality of the parent signing the AST.

French parent

A child traveling abroad, not accompanied by a holder of parental authority, must have subsequent documents :

  • Original of form cerfa no. 15646 signed by a parental authority
  • Valid ID ID minor: identity card or passport + visa if necessary depending on the country of destination.
    Consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr.
  • Copy of a proof of identity of the signatory parent (identity card,passport).
    The proof of identity must be valid or expired for less than 5 years.
    If the parent does not parental authority : business card, identity card or passport of the person with parental authority.

No other document (e.g. the family record book) may be required when the minor crosses the border, including if the minor and the parent signing the AST have a different name.

Please note

the child who leaves the city to go overseas must have an AST in case of a stopover abroad.

Video - True or false: is the family booklet enough to travel abroad with minors?

Vidéo - Is the family booklet sufficient to travel abroad with minors?
Credits : Public Service (DILA)

SMS conversation between two friends:

*So the party at your place on Saturday is still good?

*Well no... My parents don't go to Greece anymore...

I'm disgusted my brothers didn't get their ID cards...

*But I believe they can travel just with their family booklet


Is the family booklet sufficient to travel abroad with minors?

Answer: No!

Speech by expert: Sandrine, interior specialist at Service-Public.fr

Indeed, it is a received wisdom. A minor cannot travel only with the family record book. Like an adult, he or she must have either a valid national identity card or passport, both of which are valid. My advice, to make sure you have completed all the necessary formalities before your departure, I invite you to consult the sites of diplomatie.gouv.fr as well as the site of service-public.fr. Have a nice trip!

Key points:

  • A minor cannot travel abroad with his family record book
  • He must travel with an identity card (only in the EU) or a passport
  • For all necessary formalities: diplomatie.gouv.fr and service-public.fr