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Authorization to leave the territory (AST)
Verified 07 September 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A set of rights and duties aimed at the best interests of the child. It belongs to the parents or to a third person on the decision of the judge, until the majority or the emancipation of the child. It serves to protect the safety, health and morals of children, to ensure their education and to enable their development, with due respect for their person.
Page(s) where the photo and signature are located
Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Wallis and Futuna Islands
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
Covid-19: rules for going abroad
Published on 10 September 2021
Check the official website for rules that vary by country : proof of vaccination, reason for travel, testing, quarantine measure...
Your minor child must surrender abroad and you wonder if there are any formalities to be observed ? We tell you the rules to know about authorization to leave the territory (AST).
What applies to you ?
One minor who lives in France and travels abroad must have authorization to leave the territory (AST) if he doesn't travel not with one person having parental authority.
The AST form is downloadable on this page.
No move is not necessary in the city hall, the prefecture or the police station.
The AST form must be presented to the border guard, on border control.
We'll show you the documents to be attached to the AST depending on your situation.
Please note
A child traveling only with his father or only with her mother has no need for AST.
The child lives in France
The rules depend on the nationality of the parent who signs the AST.
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French parent
A child traveling abroad, not accompanied by a holder of parental authority, must have subsequent documents :
- Original of form cerfa no. 15646 signed by a parental authority
- Valid ID ID minor: identity card or passport + visa if necessary depending on the country of destination.
Consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr. - Copy of a proof of identity of the signatory parent (identity card,passport).
The proof of identity must be valid or expired for less than 5 years.
If the parent does not parental authority : business card, identity card or passport of the person with parental authority.
No other document (e.g. the family record book) may be required when the minor crosses the border, including if the minor and the parent signing the AST have a different name.
Please note
the child who leaves the city to go overseas must have an AST in case of a stopover abroad.
European foreigner parent (EU + EEA + Switzerland)
If the parent who establishes and signs the AST is European, a child traveling abroad not accompanied by a holder of parental authority, must have subsequent documents :
- Original of form cerfa no. 15646 signed by a parental authority
- Valid ID ID minor: identity card or passport + visa if necessary depending on the country of destination.
Consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr. - Copy of a valid proof of identity of the signatory parent (identity card, passport or residence permit).
If the parent does not parental authority : professional card or copy of a valid identity document of the person with parental authority.
No other document (e.g. family record book) may be required when the minor crosses the border, including if the minor and the parent signing the AST have a different name.
Please note
the child who leaves the city to go overseas must have an AST in case of a stopover abroad.
Foreigner parent of another nationality
If the parent who establishes and signs the AST is a foreigner, the child who travels unaccompanied by a holder of parental authority, shall be equipped with subsequent documents :
- Original of form cerfa no. 15646 signed by a parental authority
- Valid ID ID minor: identity card or passport + visa if necessary depending on the country of destination.
Consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr. - Copy of a valid proof of identity of the signatory parent : passport, residence permit, identity and travel document for refugees or stateless persons.
If the parent does not parental authority : professional card or copy of a valid identity document of the person with parental authority.
No other document (e.g. family record book) may be required when the minor crosses the border, including if the minor and the parent signing the AST have a different name.
Please note
the child who leaves the city to go overseas must have an AST in case of a stopover abroad.
The child lives abroad
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French child
A French child who lives abroad and stays in France has no need for AST when he leaves France.
However, it must present a valid identity document : passport + visa if necessary depending on the requirements of the country of destination, or identity card.
To find out what documents are required by the country you are traveling to, you can consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr.
Child foreigner
A child foreigner who lives abroad and who stays or transits through France has no need for AST.
He must present the identity and travel documents required by his country of destination.
To find out what documents are required by the country you are traveling to, you can consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr.
Rules applicable to minors (Article 20 and Annex VII)
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs