Modèle de document
Dispute the amount of a rent revision during the lease (Document Template)
[Name, first name and contact details of the tenant]
You want to increase my rent by the sum of [rent increase amount] because of the annual review.
I would like to point out that the lease indicates that, at each anniversary of the contract, the rent increase cannot exceed the change in INSEE's Rent Benchmark (IRL) for [reference period indicated on the lease] . This variation being [IRL variation] So my new rent should be [recalculated amount] .
Please accept my distinguished greetings.
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative
Je donne mon avis sur Services Publics +. L'administration concernée me répondra.
Émetteur du modèle de lettre : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information
Verified 19 August 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)