Attachment Slip for a Rename Folder (Document Template)
To be attached to the rename folder. Select the check boxes for the parts in the folder.
[Original name in uppercase]
[Name(s) requested in order of priority]
[ ] 1. Reasoned request on free paper, including all particulars of the civil status and occupation of the persons concerned, dated and signed by the applicant(s)
[ ] 2 Notice (consent or opposition), on free paper, of the second parent, on the requested name change for the minor child, or the authorization of the guardianship judge
[ ] 3. Consent, on free paper, of each minor over 13 years of age included in the application
[ ] 4. Birth certificate of less than 3 months in full copy of the applicant.
[ ] 5. Birth certificate of less than 3 months in full copy of each minor child included in the application and each minor child over 13 years of age who consented to it.
[ ] 6. Bulletin No. 3 of the original criminal record of each adult concerned by the application.
[ ] 7. Printing of the pdf file of the authenticated electronic OJ extract.
If your listing changes, you must submit the new post. It must be the same as the Shal: titleContent.
[ ] 8. Full and original page(s) of the legal ad journal
If your listing changes, you must submit the new post. It must be identical to that of the authenticated electronic OJ.
[ ] 9. Copy of the valid national identity card or certificate of French nationality or copy of the birth certificate bearing one of the entries provided for in Article 28 of the Civil Code or copy of the declaration of willingness to acquire French nationality registered by the court of first instance or declaration of acquisition of French nationality registered by the court of first instance or copy of the amplification of the naturalization decree or copy of the passport
10. Supporting documents (supporting documents)
11. Attachment Slip.
[Date, signing]
Verified 12 January 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative
Je donne mon avis sur Services Publics +. L'administration concernée me répondra.