Renter with a mobility lease: give notice (leave) to the owner of the dwelling (Document template)

The tenant can send his leave to the landlord (or real estate agency if the accommodation is managed by an agency) by registered mail with notice of receipt.


this model is not suitable for a conventional residential lease, including the content is different.

[First name and last name of the tenant(s)]

[Address of the accommodation]

[Postal code and municipality of the accommodation]

Subject: Notification of housing leave

Madam, Sir,

I will soon be leaving the house I rent.

Article 25-15 of the Law of 6 July 1989 on the improvement of rental relationships states:

"The lessee may terminate the contract at any time, subject to a period of notice of one month.

The leave must be notified by registered letter with request for notice of receipt or served by bailiff's document or delivered by hand against receipt or signature. The period of notice shall run from the day of receipt of the registered letter or service of the bailiff's document or delivery by hand."

In order to agree together on a date to hand over the keys to the accommodation and to carry out the inventory together, I inform you that the move is scheduled for [Moving Date] .

Please accept my best regards.

TO [Location] , on [date]

[Signature of tenant(s)]

Verified 15 March 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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