Mairie Services Package

Verified 15 October 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), makes online services available to municipalities to simplify the life of users. Nearly 8,500 municipalities of all sizes across the country have already joined the scheme. The connection of municipalities to the device is simple, free and fast.

Application for Civil Status Documents (CAE)

This service gives users the possibility to submit their applications for birth, marriage and death certificates on the Internet.

In accordance with the regulations, no supporting documents are required from users.

For reasons of data protection and the fight against fraud, the use of FranceConnect by users is mandatory.

Coordinate Change Declaration (CCD)

To quickly and easily declare a change of mailing address during a move or administrative change. Through this service, users can also update their e-mail address, landline and mobile numbers. This allows them to inform their local authorities of their change of contact details and allows new arrivals to specify the composition of their households (number of adults and children, age of children). Any public or private service operator (telephone, energy, etc.) can apply for a connection to the DILA, which will study its technical and legal feasibility. This service does not replace the voter registration online service.

Declaration of a tourist accommodation (DHTour)

This service can be offered by municipalities that collect the tourist tax only (ordinary metropolises).

It allows individuals and professionals to declare online a furnished tourist or a bed and breakfast.

Mandatory Citizen Census (BCR)

First civic initiative of young French. With just a few clicks, the young people send their file online to the city council and the municipality can send the census certificate to the secure briefcase on the user's personal account.

In accordance with the regulations, users are required to provide

  • a copy of the family booklet with the child and parent pages,
  • a copy of the identity and nationality document
  • proof of invalidity, where applicable.

Pre-Request for Civil partnerships (DDPACS)

To enter into a civil partnership With this approach, users wishing to do so will be able to complete on-line the information necessary for this union (currently contained in the Cerfa) and download part of the supporting documents. The package will be sent to the municipality responsible for concluding the CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS (i.e. the partners' common residence municipality).

Supporting documents requested in the online process:

  • Specific CIVIL PARTNERSHIP agreement: a template is provided in the process, the partners decide to choose this template or to download their own specific agreement
  • Birth certificate: this document is not required for partners whose municipality of birth and Civil partnership municipality are connected to the comedec system. In this case, the users are asked for the information enabling the municipality of the Civil partnership to request a certificate from the municipality of birth via comedec.
  • Certificate of non-civil partnerships for foreigners
  • Identity documents are not required in the process: since individuals will have to travel to the municipal services to sign their Civil partnerships, they will be able to produce their documents at that time. For information, they are asked to check that they are in possession of valid certificates.

Services provided to citizens

  • services accessible on 7/7, 24:24 and without travel;
  • a simpler, faster, and more time-efficient approach
  • a few clicks are enough to send the complete file (form and supporting documents) to the municipality

A free, secure and easy to set up device

  • a means of strengthening the modern and innovative dimension of the municipality;
  • a quick and easy online application;
  • no specific financial investment;
  • online approaches that respect the provisions adopted by the CNIL.

For municipalities that wish to be connected to the free online administrative services package, nothing could be simpler, just fill in a few elements: Siret code of the municipality, COG, technical contact, choice of the method of receiving the files.

This subscription is made through Datapass and the State Exchange Hub (HubEE)

To enable municipalities of all sizes to join the service, two solutions are proposed to them:

  • the municipality has an information system: integration of the file into your "business" software using HubEE APIs;
    Several software publishers destined for municipalities can accompany you in this procedure. Don't hesitate to ask them.
  • without an information system: setting up a HubEE portal for processing and downloading folders accessible by username/password

The DILA carries out the support by email to the users.

subscription Online service

The subscription request the range of services dedicated to the communes is available from the HubEE Portal (State Exchange Hub).

Subscription is done in two steps:

  • In 10 minutes, subscribe online to the steps
  • After validation by the DILA, in 20 minutes, plan your switchover and declare the agents who will have to process the user files on the HubEE portal. (allow 3 working days for the counting).

Request your subscription

You can also contact your publisher because in many cases they can integrate requests directly into your business software.

Support Service

If you have a question about connecting to this service, you can contact Partner Support at:

Usually, the Dila validates your subscription request in two working days.

Then, once you have finished setting up your subscriptions such as creating and empowering agents, roles and rights by approach, declaring notification emails. You choose the date you want to activate your subscription.

Please note, however, that activations are carried out on Mondays and Thursdays mornings.

What is the partner space

The Partner Area is the network dedicated to sharing all information about

You will find its news, to stay informed in real time of the news and projects of the official site of the administration. You will also have access to an official documentary base, where you can consult the reference documents and texts most useful for your activity.

Depending on your profile, you will also have access to all the services that are specifically dedicated to you (package of services for town halls, development of approaches for ministries, Cerfa certification, etc.).

This space is also a place of exchange: take advantage of a community of more than 8000 partners to ask your questions and share your experience.

These are the procedures for municipalities which are not managed in the municipal services package of

Electronic Death Certificate (CertDC)

This service provides the possibility to receive the administrative part of the death certificate electronically when the doctor writes the death certificate using the “CertDc” application.

It is now managed directly by the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Use Datapass to subscribe:


Application for registration on the list of electors (DILE)

Since the establishment of the Single Electoral Directory (UEL) in 2019, the approach is directly connected to INSEE. All user requests are sent in the Elire application.

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