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Bicycle: what purchase aids?
Publié le 10 juin 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You have decided to change your mode of travel and you want to buy a bike and maybe even an electric bike? Whether state or local, financial assistance can help. They are sometimes cumulative.
National aid
The State grants a grant to purchase an electric assisted bicycle (EAV) on condition that it already benefits from local aid. The amount of State aid shall be identical to the amount of aid granted by the local authority, up to €200.
This requires:
- be of age;
- be resident in France;
- have a per-unit reference tax income of less than or equal to €13,489 the year preceding the acquisition of the bicycle;
- have received aid with the same purpose from a local authority.
The bicycle must:
- be new;
- not use lead-acid batteries;
- be an assisted pedaling cycle as defined in the highway code;
- not be disposed of by the purchaser within one year of its acquisition.
The request for assistance must be made via a specific form at the latest within 6 months of the date of billing of the bicycle.
You can only benefit from the bonus for the purchase of an electric bike once.
If you bought your bike before 1er in June 2020, the amount of State aid shall complement the amount of aid granted by the local authority. He can't be superior to him.
The total of the two aids (State + local authority) shall not exceed the lesser of the following two amounts:
- 20% of the cost of purchasing the bicycle including VAT
- €200
Regional aid
Certain regions, such as Île-de-France, Occitania, Corsica and Pays-de-la-Loire subsidize the purchase of a bicycle. Amounts may vary by €150 to €600 depending on the region, the subsidy never exceeds half the price of the bicycle.
Municipal aid
At the municipal level, large cities offer subsidies, the amounts of which vary from one municipality to another and sometimes make all the municipalities in their metropolis benefit from them.
For example, different aids exist in Paris depending on the equipment you want to purchase:
- €600 for the purchase of a cargo bicycle;
- €400 for an electric bike.
It is possible to supplement the assistance of the City Hall with that of the region of Île-de-France (Île-de-France Mobility) of €600 and €500.
Marseille offers assistance from €400 to all the inhabitants of the Bouches-du-Rhône.
Or, the metropolis of Strasbourg offers to buy your electric bike for a refund of €2 per day for up to 3 years.
You will find on the website of your municipality or region the conditions and the steps to follow to take advantage of these devices.
And then what?
Once you have purchased your bike, you may be able to take advantage of the Sustainable mobility package.
This replaces the bicycle mileage allowance. If it is set up in your company (it is not mandatory), your employer will be able to cover the costs of your business trips with your personal bike (including the electric bike) for a maximum amount of €400 net of tax per year.
The amount and methods of covering travel expenses are determined by the employer himself or by collective agreement.
The Sustainable Mobility Package can be combined with other schemes:
- support for public transport subscriptions;
- fuel and fuel costs of electric vehicles.
If you only need to refurbish your old bike, you can benefit from help from €50 for its repair with
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