Sectarian drift: an unprecedented rise in 2021

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The Inter-ministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combating Sectarian Drift (Miviludes) analyzes the sectarian phenomenon, coordinates the action of the public authorities against its drift and informs the public about the dangers to which it is exposed. It reveals that France is facing an unprecedented growth in sectarian behavior.

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The Miviludes published, in November 2022, its 2021 activity report. This report highlights the current amplification and changes of the sectarian phenomenon and the need to combat it.

France’s Sectarian Dynamics

Since 2020, La Miviludes has observed:

  • one increasing sectarian supply. The Crisis Due to pandemic of Covid-19 has established a anxiogenic climate who contributed to destabilize the vulnerable people. Of manipulators took the opportunity to spread their doctrine on social networks ;
  • the emergence of a atomized, diffuse sectarian phenomenon. Groups are moving, members easily join or disassociate themselves by creating other groups. These individuals oppose the establishment and spread theories that may pose risks to the population (read more).
