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European Heritage Days: the program of the 41st edition available!
Publié le 13 septembre 2024 - Mise à jour le 20 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The 41e The Heritage Days edition takes place this weekend, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September. Guided tours, themed tours, demonstrations of know-how, theater performances, concerts or even walks in music. For all ages and as many people as possible, it is a good time to discover the diversity of French and European heritage, usually closed to the public.
Two conductive threads characterize this edition: " the heritage of routes, networks and connections at European level and " maritime heritage at national level.
“ The heritage of routes, networks and connections ”
These days will be an opportunity to address this theme from different perspectives:
- exploration of transport heritage (stations, airports, ports);
- exploration of the movable heritage (locomotives, aircraft, cars, boats);
- exploration of connections (antennas, parables, radars);
- highlighting intangible cultural practices such as transhumance...
The European Heritage Days are also an opportunity to promote roads, trails and other physical routes historically used for spiritual or commercial purposes. 47 cultural itineraries launched by the Council of Europe (ICCE) in 1987 will be particularly valued. Of these, 31 travel through France, such as the Santiago de Compostela, the Viking Route, the Impressionist Route or the network of large European spa towns.
“ The maritime heritage ”
These days will allow you to discover:
- port facilities;
- lighthouses marking the metropolitan and ultra-marine coastline;
- boats including the legendary three-masted Belem;
- maritime museums;
- symbols of seaside architecture;
- or the world of underwater archeology.
Please note
The French maritime domain is the second largest in the world.
The program
On the European Heritage Days website, you can consult an interactive map with the event schedule organized in your region and elsewhere, in France as well as in Europe by:
- date;
- geographical area;
- thematic: favorites, heritage of routes, networks and connections, maritime heritage, public prevented, exceptional openness, first participation;
- type of event: workshop/demonstration/know-how, tour/hike, concert, conference, exhibition, archeological dig, projection, show, guided tour, free tour;
- type of architecture: civil and public architecture, archives, castle, urban hotel, palace, manor house, memorial building, craft, commercial and tertiary building, hospital building, industrial, scientific and technical building, military building, urban enclosure, religious building, rural building, school and educational building, natural space, park, garden, place of culture, shows, sports and leisure, place of power, judicial building, house, apartment, workshop of famous persons, railway heritage, transport and civil engineering, archeological site, city planning and developed spaces;
- type of audience: children (0-15 years), youth (15-20 years), school audiences;
- conditions of participation: free, reservation required, without reservation, preferential rate;
- accessibility: hearing, intellectual, motor, mental and visual impairments.
Each region offers a thematic program, with or without reservation. Registrations are made directly on the website of the place you wish to visit.
Discover the European Heritage Days 2024 program!
You can also follow the event on social media.
And also, for the school audience
Starting Friday, September 20th, school audiences can participate in the "Look Up!" operation in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Students will discover the heritage of their region to learn about its history and particularities and to awaken to the importance of its protection and valorization.
This popular event is an opportunity for young people to exchange with heritage professionals to discover their knowledge and know-how.
created in 1984 by the Ministry of Culture under the name of “Open Days of Historic Monuments”, this event aims to show as many people as possible the richness of the French heritage.
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Council of Europe
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