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Human Resources
Full employment law: measures to promote the employment of persons with disabilities
Publié le 04 janvier 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The Full Employment Act of December 18, 2023, sets out various measures to improve the hiring of persons with disabilities.

Articles 10 to 16 of the Law on Full Employment introduce into the Labor Code several provisions aimed at facilitating the employment of persons with disabilities.
Sustainability of temporary work contracts and adapted temporary work companies
Since 1er January 2024, the Tremplin CSD is enshrined in the Labor Code. This contract, which lasts between 4 and 24 months, is concluded between a suitable company and a person with a disability. It offers individualized support to the employee, who will be able to acquire professional experience and benefit from training. This will facilitate his career transition to other companies.
The system of adapted temporary work companies is also definitively adopted. These companies may conclude temporary assignment contracts to facilitate access to sustainable work for disabled workers. They can also draw on interim DTAs.
Adapted temporary work companies also enable persons with disabilities to benefit from individualized support aimed at facilitating the realization of their professional project and their professional transition.
Perpetuation of the ground for temporary relief for OETH beneficiaries
Other experiment became perennial on 1er in january 2024, companies can now hire an employee on an interim basis without specific reasons who is covered by the obligation to employ disabled workers.
Creation of the “digital backpack”
The full employment law introduces a new device called the “digital backpack.” This digital service, managed by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, makes it possible to record information on the accommodations that persons with disabilities have enjoyed during their education and professional life.
This information will be provided by:
- the State;
- local and regional authorities;
- AGEFIPH (Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of Disabled Persons);
- the employer;
- any legal person setting up or intervening in the field of disability.
Its purpose is to enable future developments to be maintained or put in place for the person concerned, by reference to the history of past developments.
In addition, the "digital backpack" allows the holder of a personal training account (PTA) to view, declare and dispose of this information on a personal space on a secure platform. Only an authorization from the account holder allows a third party to view this information.
Please note
An Order in Council will specify the terms of this new provision.
Preservation of equipment to compensate for disability between companies
It is now possible for employees with disabilities who change employers to keep equipment that helps them adapt their jobs. Such portability of equipment may be provided for by agreement between the two companies concerned.
This shall apply where the position has the same characteristics in the new company.
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